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M Y hyperactive niece excitedly tugged on my hand as I tried keeping up with her. She was so excited for me to walk her into her class. Apparently being in kindergarten is a pretty big deal. My shoes slid against the polished white tiled floors. I stared at all of the dainty little craft projects hung up on the walls.

"There it is!" She shouted.

We reached a very brightly designed door, filled with very lovely drawings. Ronnie ran into the class, her beauty and the beast themed book bag bouncing against her back. When I walked in I was in awe at how creative and beautiful the classroom was. It looked like the teacher had made it into a comfortable place for the students.

A lot of the kids were all playing on the carpet, conversing with one another while they could until school officially started at 8:30

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A lot of the kids were all playing on the carpet, conversing with one another while they could until school officially started at 8:30. Ronnie ran to her cubby quickly and began her routine of unpacking and getting her materials out.

"Hello, I'm Mrs. Simmons."

I turned. A petite older lady stood with a kind smile on her face. I reached out to shake her hand.

"You must be the sub. Nice to meet you, I'm Ronnie's uncle, just came in to make sure she gets here," I explained, pointing over to Ronnie.

"Ah, of course you are," Mrs. Simmons chuckled, the crinkles around her eyes lifting up. "Ronnie is quite the talker. She speaks about you a lot. It seems that you are her row model."

"I guess I am," I wavered, looking over at her.

I realized that I was the only male figure in her and Blake's life. Suddenly my heart ached for my sister. She was always putting everyone around her first, never herself.

"Well, thank you for getting that precious child here safely, I hope you have a wonderful morning." With that, she walked over towards where most of the students were.

I smiled sadly and looked back over towards the cubbies. Ronnie was running over to me with a piece of paper, her braid beginning to come unloose.

"This is the drawing I showed you that I made for Ms. I! Can you put it on her desk before you go so I can go play?!" She pleaded.

"I'd love to!" I took the cute drawing from her tiny fingers and pulled her into a hug.

Her cheek pressed against my leg and she giggled.

"Thank you uncle Ezzie, love you!" She ran off before I could tell her I love you back.

I shook my head. Spinning around, I discovered this so called Ms. I's desk area hidden in the back corner. I walked over and stared at the scattered papers. When she came back I wanted to make sure she saw the drawing.

Looking around I searched for tape until I noticed one of the drawers had supplies labeled on it. I opened it up, and suddenly the drawing from my hands slipped from my hands and I couldn't breathe.

Next to the block of tape was a photograph. It was a family wearing big smiles and ugly Christmas sweaters all bundled up beside one another next to a large Christmas tree. It was Dr. Campbell, a woman, and everything I had been wanting and searching for. Theena. I could feel my head spinning, I had to hold myself up.

Cursing under my breath, I tore a piece of tape and picked up Ronnie's drawing. Quickly, I stuck it onto the paper and hung it on the wall. I then rushed towards the door unnoticed and feeling sick to my stomach.

A coincidental realization dawned on me. Ms. I's full last name was Ms. Iver, Ms. Iver was Theena. And somehow, Dr. Campbell fit into the equation.

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