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T H E words that came out of Theena's uncle's mouth were clear, but she couldn't quite comprehend them. She stared at his moving lips, her conscience traveled off to some distant place.

Her mind shot back to around an hour earlier, when she went into her uncle's building, ready to take him to lunch. Anna had said that he was apparently busy, but that didn't stop her from wanting to go and see him. So she walked in, and suddenly the atmosphere had changed. Her uncle had told whoever he was talking to not turn around for some odd reason. Ezra, was the name. He turned around any ways, then said her name before fainting. The way he said, god, the way he said her name almost made it seem like she was familiar to him. As if they had met before. Apart of her was screaming that she knew him.

She remembered her uncle rushing her and Anna to hurry and help get Ezra into his car. He instructed her to sit in the back seat with the stranger and she obediently obliged. Anna had hesitantly stayed behind.

She remembered how normal it felt for his head to be on her lap and for her hands to be brushing through his hair. "Hon, when we get to the hospital, I need to explain some things about Ezra," her uncle had stated while driving. Ezra.

Theena snapped out of it her trance and apologized. "I'm sorry, what were you saying?"

Thomas put a hand over her wrist and leaned closer to her chair.

"I've made a mistake, and that mistake was me trying to protect your heart. When, a name I shall never say again, broke your heart I realized that I should be protecting you more and not less, but I think I did it in the wrong way."

Theena moved her body uncomfortably, adverting her gaze to the restless strangers around her also waiting to see whoever they came to visit.

"Why are you telling me this in a waiting room?" She asked. "Shouldn't we be worrying about that Ezra guy?"

"I think that I need to explain to you what's going on. I know you've always believed in the unknown and the unheard. I know that your hear heart is understanding and that you are an open minded girl, so I hope that you'll digest this well enough," Thomas decided.

He began to tell Theena the story. The story of Ezra's lucid dreams and her being in them. Theena listened, and she listened well and with care.

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