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[ four years later ]

T H E day that Theena had told me to be patient with her was the day that I turned into a happy man. We spent every moment we had free with one another. Sharing parts of ourselves that made us who we were.

And although I had already known everything about Theena before I met her, getting to explore her all over again made me realize that she was my everything. Someone I would have waited for as long as I lived.

She had only made me wait six months. Six months until she finally realized that I was it for her. At first I was hesitant, because before those six months she had gotten her heart broken, but then she looked me in the eyes and she told me that she was ready to become my reality. She was ready to become my all. What she didn't know was that she already was, way before she said so.

Two years after she opened herself up to be mine completely − still going strong and still feeling the same − we received a gift. Thomas was not exactly keen on that gift, but not for long. My sister however was beyond elated, proud even. Eleven months after that, we did a crazy thing. We eloped, and we never did regret that choice.

A year later, present day, here I stood at the curb of my now old town home watching my Universe hugging a cheerful Laila, who hadn't changed a bit. A now nine year old Ronnie ran out of the house and joined in on the hug. She grew up quite a bit, as did Blake. He wasn't around much with college always taking up his time, but he tried to visit on holidays.

We had all become one big family, Simone and Dan included. Months after Theena and I became real, Simone finally exclaimed to Dan that she was in love with him. Although he had never looked at Simone in that way before he finally realized that maybe it was because he always told himself she wouldn't feel the same. Those two were just as strong as Theena and I and currently on their honeymoon.

And Dr. Campbell? Well he was inside, helping my sister pack up some of my boxes. Yeah, they became something too a while back. At first Theena and I were shocked, but it wasn't something we didn't support.

"It's beautiful, the bond they have with Laila," Theena mumbled, reaching my side.

She shivered, her hands clutching onto mine.

"Everyone loves her."

I looked down just as she looked up at me. I leaned my head closer to hers, the cold air mingling between us. My lips grazed hers before I finally pulled her in.

"Love birds! The spirits never lie to me!" Laila sung as Theena and I let go.

Ronnie screamed and started yelling ew! And then a small figure unattached herself from Laila and Ronnie, running towards Theena and I. The little body rammed into my legs with an oomph!

I reached and picked her up, chuckling at her squeals. Theena clapped and cooed at our little gift. I smiled as I stared at my dream girl turned reality, and then I began to cry when my gaze locked down on my Universe.


And it's finished! I wanted this to be short and sweet and cute so hopefully it was. I've honestly got no other last words besides thank you. I love this story so much and I was never even planning on writing it until I realized that I wanted to go more into a happy ending for Theena, so again, thank you.

Also, if you couldn't tell, this so called gift, happened to be a daughter, and her name is Universe. Much love, hoped you enjoyed.

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