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F E E L I N G like a third wheel was not as bad as being let go by my own therapist. I wasn't going to act like a brat or anything, no, there are way more important things in the world for me to worry about. That's not what was making me mad. It was the fact that I just wanted Theena. That was all I wanted and all that I was asking for.

"Hey, you better drink up that beer bestie, I spent forty bucks on one pack and I'm not letting you waste one of the bottles from it," Daniel scolded from the twin couch feet away from the one I was sitting on.

He had invited both Simone and I to his apartment for some friendly bonding. We were watching a movie called no escape. I stared over at a wide eyed Simone, curled up in a fluffy blanket beside Daniel with her head on his shoulder. Friendly. It was friendly in his eyes at least, considering that he never paid attention to how Simone so obviously wanted to be with him.

Shaking my head, I gulped down some of the bitter liquid. My day had been terrible after what happened with Dr. Campbell earlier. I kept getting calls from his building number, but I blocked them. I felt down, but I wasn't going to tell Daniel or Simone that.

"Simone, your mom has been speaking some weird things to me," I recalled, despite the glare I received from Daniel for talking over one of his favorite movies.

Simone looked at me and scoffed. "Don't ever listen to my mom, she's in to some creepy spiritual stuff that I doubt is true."

"Your mom is the coolest woman I've ever met in my life," Daniel blurted.

I threw him a funny look. "She doesn't even like you."

"Wait, are you being serious?"

It amazed me that his question was serious. He really was blind to the people around him. I guess that's Daniel for you. Always lost in his own world. Good guy, but dumb as a rock at the same time.

Simone shushed him and cuddled closer, feeding him lies about how her mother just adores him. He pouted and disagreed, but eventually stopped talking, turning his attention back to the screen. She looked up at him, her gaze lingering on the side of his face.

"I gotta get going," I lied suddenly.

I didn't want to lie, not to them, not to anyone. I just needed some rest. I was beyond overwhelmed with myself and I just needed to sleep it off.

"You're no fun!" Daniel yelled at me.

"Oh shut up," Simone hit his chest and then looked at me. "Let's grab lunch sometime soon okay? Drive safe."

She knew, she knew something was up. I wasn't acting the way I usually did. With a tight smile, I thanked an obnoxious yet funny Daniel and said see you later to Simone.


M Y hands were shaking. I opened up my car door and slipped in, slamming it shut behind me.

"Why?!" I shouted.

I harshly put my seat belt on and put the key into the ignition, sighing as my car roared to life. Before I could shift to neutral, the sound of my phones piano riff set ringtone going off grabbed my attention. I quickly patted around my coat pockets until I found the device. Pulling it out, I slid the icon over to answer and held it up to my ear.

"I need your help," a familiar voice bit out in a congested tone.

"Eliza? What do you need?"

She let out a rough cough before answering. "I've caught a fever and I need you to take Ronnie to school in the morning and walk her into her class if that's okay. Blake said he'd leave school early and pick her up so that's all I need you to do."

"I've got nothing better to do anyways," I grumbled.

"What do you mean? You know what, we'll talk for sure when I'm better. I feel disgusting and weak."

I laughed. "Alright, get better Liz, I love you."

"I love you too," she whispered.

Hanging up, I finally shifted and pulled out of Daniel's guest parking space. Flicking on the radio, I then focused my eyes on the road.

"Alright guys, Alyssa Bay from Chicago, Illinois has requested a song that her mom and dad just so happened to have first danced to at their wedding reception eighteen years ago today. This ones for you and your parents Alyssa."

She can kill with a smile, she can wound with her eyes. She can ruin your faith with her casual lies. And she only reveals what she wants you to see.

I froze.

"She hides like a child but she's always a woman to me," I sang quietly before finally letting all that I had been keeping in out.

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