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A large bed sheet was set up in my kitchen, Theena and I were both over it, positioned on our stomachs. We both had our own canvas flat on the hardwood floor and paint splattered about. I looked over to check on how her art was coming along and froze. I stared at the big mess of a painting laid in front of me.

Theena looked at me weirdly and tilted her head. I tried to stop myself from laughing. It was indeed terrible.

"What? Why are you looking at me like that?"

I pressed my lips together tightly and shrugged. "I just wanted to know what that is," I answered.

Theena looked down at the painting and then back up at me with squinted eyes. "Okay, I know, it's awful, but I'll have you know that this is supposed to be our future child."

I froze. In that moment I didn't care that this was a dream.

"I see," I whispered. "Just wanted to know."


"Just wondering," I replied, turning my attention back to my art.

"You're quiet," she whispered into my ear.

I snapped my head towards her and I saw it in her eyes. I saw a future. I shouldn't, but I could. Leaning forward, I kissed her forehead.

The painting was terrible, but the reasoning for it? That was perfect. Perfect enough to make me want to marry her if I ever got the chance.


T H E dream faded. My heart rate accelerated, my hands balled up.

"Calm. Calm. The painting, what does it look like?" A voice questioned loudly, echoing around my mind.

An image began to form together.

"It's more of a stick figure, with brown hair, almond shaped brown eyes, a small smirk, and a tiny button nose. Literally, the nose looks like a button. And the hair looks like cut up spaghetti. The background is an odd tint of green, her favorite color."

I sounded like a robot, my words came out slow, monotone. I knew where I was but I couldn't necessarily understand what was happening, but my mind was at ease with the memory of a dream replaying.

"Odd tint of green?"

"Yes. I can't even explain it."

Suddenly the painting began to disintegrate. I scrunched up my nose. Where is it going?

"It's going, it's going. Why is it leaving?" I could hear the frustration in my voice, the angst.

"Ezra you need to calm down. We're doing a hypnosis exercise. I'm Dr. Campbell, I'm here with you."

"What happened to her. What happened to Theena?" I struggled.

"Theena." The same voice recited in shock.

"Where is she. Where is Theena?" I asked the voice.

"Ezra. I want you to calmly open your eyes. Open your eyes for me son."

The voice told me to, so I did. I stared at Dr. Campbell.

"Her name... her name is Theena? And the painting, the background was an odd green, her favorite color?"

I nodded my head.

"Well I—how are you feeling?"

"Confused," I replied blankly.

I swear that I could have heard Dr. Campbell utter, "me too", under his breath. It probably wasn't that.

"This is just the first time alright? You won't get better right away, I need you to know that's okay."

I took a glimpse at the clock. My session was over.

"Okay. Yeah. Okay."


E Z R A left the building. Dr. Thomas Campbell sat back in his chair behind his desk. He opened up the bottom drawer and pulled out the small canvas.

"It's more of a stick figure, with brown hair, almond shaped brown eyes, a small smirk, and a tiny button nose. Literally, the nose looks like a button. And the hair looks like cut up spaghetti. The background is an odd tint of green, her favorite color."

Thomas placed a hand over his chin. What in the hell? He remembered how he had gotten the painting in his hands.


"U N C L E Tommy! Uncle Tommy! I made this in art!" A small girl ran into his office with hair falling out of her pigtails and a smile plastered onto her face.

"Where's your mom Thee bear?" Thomas questioned with a smile of his own.

"She's coming in, but she's too slow and I couldn't wait! Look at this!"

Six year old Theena ran up to her uncle and slapped down her piece of art onto his desk proudly. Thomas tried to keep a straight face as he observed the, unique, drawing.

"Who is that?" He pointed to the small stick figure.

"That's my future child," Theena exclaimed in excitement.

"I like the... green background," Thomas complimented.

"Thank you! It's my favorite color."


T H O M A S shook his head of the memory from over eighteen years ago. He struggled to understand how in the hell was his niece Ezra's dream girl. Dream girl for crying out loud. And the painting. Goodness, what was the explanation for that?!

"Oh uncle Tommy!" A sweet voice teased.

Thomas lifted his head and looked at the not so small little girl anymore standing at the door of his office.

"Is it too late for our lunch session?" Theena grinned widely.

Thomas shook his head no and slid the painting back into the drawer, closing it carefully. He stood up and met Theena at the door. With the grin still on her face, she tackled him in a bear hug.


How coincidental that the girl of Ezra's dreams just so happens to be his therapist's niece? Oh the ways of the universe.

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