Brand New Eyes.

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A year has passed and everything is different.

I didn't stop, if any of you were wondering. I didn't want to hear what he had to say. So now I'm in Dallas/Fort Worth. I needed a change, and I made an extremely drastic one.

My once black and red hair was now platinum blonde; I took my angels bites out and got my nose pierced. I traded my 'Drop Dead' and band t-shirts for Aeropostale and Abercrombie ones, 'Royal Bones' jeans for 'Miss Me's.Nikes are the only shoes I wear now, no Vans, with the exception of heels every now and then. My once ivory complexion was now a nude color. I had turned into one of those huge boobed, blonde bimbos that I used to despise. Oh, the irony.

After leaving Scranton, I cut ties with almost everyone. My only friends from Pennsylvania were Louie, Ricky, and Angelo. No Manny, no Kuza, No Balz, or Ryan or Ghost. Especially not Chris, if that was even a question. Only those three.

As far as Manny and I's relationship goes, there isn't one. After our arguement, we never talked again. I felt like she chose Chris over her "best friend". According to Ricky, those two don't even talk anymore. I hate that Manny and I's friendship ended after all those years. Sometimes I would think about calling her, but never did I bring my self to do it.

 I missed Kuza. And Balz and Ryan and Devin, too. I just tried to stay away from anyone who would try to make me talk to Chris. I didn't want that.

Chris was in the past. He was a chapter of my life that I was more than happy to close. When I left his house that day, that was it. No guest appearences. He's not gonna be the Angel to my Buffy, if that even makes sense to anyone.

I don't let myself think about him. Ever. Too many memories, too many emotions. I preferred to keep them locked away in storage shed, number 1017, along with my old clothes, my old interests, my old life.

I used to write all the time. No music, but stories. Beauty was my life now. Hair, makeup, fake nails, all that junk. I lived to make people look different.

On the side, I worked at Starbucks, the closest thing to Chris that I was involved with, besides Ricky and Ange. It was nice. I got a lot of free coffee, 'cause my boss is the shit, and a few of my male co-workers were very easy on the eyes.

I also had an amazing roommate, Olivia. She's pretty great. Other than the fact that I have to listen to her and her "life partner" do the unmentionable, it's not too bad. She kind of like an older sister.

My life was great here. And I was happy. Isn't that what I always wanted?

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