Shape Shifted

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"Come on, Derek! Hit me again!" I yelled.

For the past two hours Derek and I have been training. We went a few rounds, I would win some, he would win most. He wanted me to learn how to protect myself better. Which I thought was ridiculous because I know how to. But, he said that it's not good enough. Around the first hour I was getting pissed. Whenever I lost, Derek would tell me to go again. If I complained, he breaks a bone. But, now all I wanted to do was train.

Without warning I charged at him. I swiped my claw at him and he blocks it. I tried to kick him, but he blocks that too. He punches my face and I staggered a bit. I steadied myself and tried to punch his face again. He blocks, which I was hoping for, and swiped his stomach. He moves back a bit and I kept sending kicks his way. He moves back and growls at me. He runs and when I went to swipe at him again, he flips over me and swipes my back. I turned around, but he grabs my throat and slams me down.

"That's enough!" He yelled. He let's go of me and heads toward the table. "I need you to watch Isaac tomorrow."

I groaned as I got up, "Another babysitting job. It's bad enough we had to move, now you want me to babysit."

Derek glared at me, "You need to watch over him. He needs us to learn control and let's not forget it was your idea to give him the bite."

I rolled my eyes as I grabbed the towel to wiped off my sweat. The bruises were healing already, so I'll be ok tomorrow.

"But, you're the alpha. Which means babysitting jobs are on you."

"I can't watch him when he's at school. That's your job. You need to make sure that he doesn't shift in public."

I sighed, "Fine. I'll look out for him, just be glad he's not annoying like the last one and this guy is, somewhat, my friend."

"Derek? Mina? Derek!" We heard Isaac yell. We went over to him. He was scared shitless and soaked.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"My dad. I think he's dead."

"What did you do?" Derek unmasked my thoughts.

Isaac looked at us innocently, "That's the thing. It wasn't me."

Isaac explained how his dad got pissed at him and threw glass. The glass almost hitting his eye and his injury healing in front of him. How he panicked and ran, he was hiding when he heard his dad scream. Derek told him to just head to school tomorrow, act normal, and how I'll make sure nothing happens. I showed Isaac to one of the empty train carts he'll be staying at.

"It'll be ok." I tried to comfort him. Comforting people, not my strong point.

"What am I going to do?" He asked.

I shrugged my shoulders, "I don't know. But, you can stay with us. Tomorrow, just listen to Derek, go to school like nothing happened. I'll be there to watch out for you. Right now, you need to rest."  I left to get him a pillow and blanket. I handed it to him. "Night, Isaac."


I walked with Isaac to the locker room. He had practice which means I needed to watch. Not how I wanted to spend my morning.

"Remember Lahey, be yourself. Don't do anything stupid." I send a smirk his way. "But, you could use you new found speed and agility, just don't let it get into your head though."

He let out a chuckle as he puts his arm around my shoulders, "Tell me again, why aren't you the alpha?"

I chuckled, "Believe it or not, Isaac, that role is much better for Derek. I'm just the funner Hale."

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