Party Guessed

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"He had what?" I asked through the phone as I walked down the street. I was craving Doritos and decided to go to the market.

"Pictures of me. Not like at school. It's from my own house, he literally has photos of me when I'm in my own home." Allison said on the other line.

Allison went through Matt's camera and found pictures of her. She's freaking out. I would be too if I was her. But, she could kick Matt's ass if he tries anything.

"So, Matt is a crazy stalker, who needs his ass kick. You want me to go to his place and rip his throat out?" She chuckled. "I'm being serious and you know it. If I ever found out a guy's been stalking me, I'll kick his ass." I said that part a bit louder.

"So if you found out Stiles has taken pictures of you, while you're in your own home, you'll kick his ass?" She asked amusingly.

"A) He's not like that, B) If he was like that, I don't care how much I like the guy, I'll kick his ass until he deletes them. And I'll keep doing it until he stops."

"That doesn't sound like a healthy relationship."

"It doesn't matter if it's not healthy for the relationship because there is no relationship."

"Not yet anyway."

"Do I need to bash your head in, Argent?"

"No, no. Are you coming to Lydia's party?"

I groaned, "Do I have to? I just want to go to Scott's house and watch videos of epic fails."

"You have to."

"I'm surprised you're ok with me staying at your boyfriend's house."

"You're not like other girls, which is a good thing. I trust you not to try anything. Not only that, you're taken."

"We're not together, Ally."

"Hey, I'll call you back. Lydia's here."

"Alright, I need to take care of a bug problem anyway." I hung up. "If you're going to follow me, Derek, you should really make it less obvious."

He came out from the woods and stood in front of me, "I'm not here to argue."

I rolled my eyes, "That's an understatement."

"I just want to talk."

"Talk. Talk about what? Oh, wait let me guess, you need something from me. So, what is it? Watch out for Scott? Help you with the betas because, with everything that's happening, you haven't taught them how to control their shift?"

He sighed, "I do need your help, but it's not going to work if you keep acting this way."

I scoffed, "Well, let's see. You don't respect me, you've treated me like a little errand boy, you treated me differently, you've kicked me out of the pack and my home. So, yeah, I think the way I act is justifiable."

"Really? Who's the one that said she'll stand by me, who'll go along with whatever decisions I make, that we stick together because we're family? I didn't make you say those things, those words came from your mouth!" He yelled.

"Yeah, I said those things. I would have gone back in time and not say it, if it would undo all this." I pushed him. "And yeah I may have said I'll help because we're family, but we haven't acted like a family since you became a stupid alpha." I pushed him again. "Where is my brother that came to me when I needed him?" And again. "The one who taught me how to defend myself?" And again. "The one who would let me fight by his side?" And again. "The one who would worry about me getting hurt? The one who would protect me?" I pushed him one more time, with tears threatening to come out, and yelled. "The one who actually gives a damn about me and loves me?! Where is that brother?!"

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