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Stiles dropped me and Scott off. The rain stopped, but I was still soaked. Scott and I walked up to the front door. He unlocked it and we made our way inside.

"Scott?" Melissa asked. She came downstairs and saw us drenched. "Did you guys walk in the rain? And I thought I told you no friends, Scott."

Scott shook his head, "No, Stiles dropped us off." He gestured to me. "Mom, you remember Mina?"

"Of course."

"Um, she got into a fight with her brother and he kicked her out. I told her she could stay here. I hope that's ok?" I didn't have to look at Scott to know he was giving her a puppy dog look.

Melissa gave me a sad look, "Of course, she can." She came over to me. "Come on, let's get you dry before you catch a cold." It's not like I could. She looked at Scott. "Same thing goes for you and you're still grounded."

Melissa gave me some of Scott's old clothes to wear, seeing I didn't bring any with me. She showed me the room I'll be staying in and said if I ever wanted to talk she'll be here. I said thank you and she took my wet clothes to wash them. I went over to Scott's room and leaned on the doorway.

"I guess I should thank you." I said as I crossed my arms.

He nodded, "No problem."

"Tell me the real reason why you let me stay. I'm not complaining or anything, it's just that you and I weren't really seeing eye-to-eye lately with the whole killing the Kanima fiasco."

He looked taken back, "It really is the right thing to do. And you were just following Derek's orders. Like I told you might act like Derek, but you're not really Derek. I saw you that day Lydia didn't pass the test. Even though you smiled at Isaac and Erica, your eyes held a different story. You knew deep down you didn't want to kill her because she's one of your best friends, but you were just listening to Derek."

He looked like he was holding something back, "What else?"

"I didn't know if you were going to leave Beacon Hills, but I knew that if you did people would miss you."

I scoffed, "Yeah right."

He shook his head, "I'm not lying. I know Allison would miss you, Lydia, Erica, Isaac, Boyd, even Derek. It doesn't matter if he kicked you out, he'll realize he made a mistake and ask you to move back in. And I definitely know Stiles would miss you." I looked down at the floor. Stiles is a complicated topic for me. "He told me about the kiss."

I glared up, "I don't know what you're talking about."

He furrowed his eyebrows, "So you didn't kiss him and he didn't kiss you back?" I didn't say anything. "You should tell him how you feel."

"I'm not going to take relationship advice from you."

"Is it because of Derek? Mina, you can tell Stiles how you feel. Nothing's holding you back now."

I shook my head, "It's not easy for me."

"But, do you like him?" Scott asked.

I sighed, might as well come clean. "Yes."

"Then, don't care about what others think. You have always put Derek and his pack first. You need to something for yourself. I've only seen you do it once and that's the only time you looked really happy."

"Then enlighten me, Scott. When was the last time I looked happy?"

He gave me a small smile, "The ice skating rink."

I didn't want to talk about this anymore, "Night Scotty Boy." I turned around and made my way toward the room. Then I went back to his room, "And if you tell anyone about this I'll rip your throat out with my teeth."

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