Master Plan

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I'm going to rip Gerard's head off if it's the last thing I do. I'm going to rip it off and use it as a jack-o-lantern next Halloween.

Jackson's body was taken to the hospital and Melissa went with them. The Sheriff and some policemen were in the locker room with us looking for any clues on Stiles whereabouts.

Sheriff made is way over to Scott, Isaac, and me, "I got to meet with the medical examiner and try to figure out what happened with Jackson. I've got an APB out on Stiles. His jeep is still in the parking lot, so that means - the hell, I don't know what that means. Um...look, if he answers his phone, if he answers his emails, if either one of you see him..."

"We'll call you." I said.

Sherrif was filled with worry and Scott tried to calm him, "Look, he's probably just freaked out from all the attention or something. We'll find him."

Sheriff sighed, "Yeah. I'll see you, okay?" And left.

While Scott and Coached talked, I went around the locker room to see if it's empty. We need to track Stiles and we can only do that by tracking his scent.

"Is that everyone?" Scott asked as I rounded the corner.

I nodded as I made my way to Stiles locker, "Yeah."

"You're gonna find him by scent?" Isaac asked.

I ripped the locker open. I grabbed his shoe before passing it to Scott, who gave it to Isaac, and grabbed Stiles' shirt and jacket, passing one to Scott.

"Yeah, we are." Scott answered.

"But how come you get his shirt, Mina gets his jacket, and I get a shoe?"

"We all can't be choosers." I said.

We were about to leave, but Derek stood in front of us, "We need to talk."

My eyes widen at the person behind him, Peter, who added, "All of us."

"Son of a -" I started.

"Language young lady."

"What the hell is this?" Scott asked.

Derek pointed at Scott with a fake smirk, "You know, I thought the same thing when I saw you talking to Gerard at the sheriff's station."

"Okay, hold on. He...he threatened to kill my mom. And I had to get close to him. What was I supposed to do?"

Peter nodded in agreement, "I'm gonna go with Scott on this one. Have you seen his mom? She's gorgeous."

Derek and I glared while Scott rose his arms up a bit as we yelled, "Shut up."

"Who is he?" Isaac asked

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"Who is he?" Isaac asked

Scott got to explain, "That's Peter, Derek and Mina's Uncle. Little while back, he tried to kill us all, and then we set him on fire, and Derek slashed his throat."

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