Ice Pick

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"You gonna be ok here, Isaac?" I asked.

Derek's still making me go to school, I wanted to stay and make sure Isaac doesn't do anything stupid. I got to know Isaac a little better and he's really not that bad, except for the fact his cockiness is starting to annoy me.

"You already worried about me?" He smirked.

I crossed my arms, "No. You are a wanted fugitive though. That means everyone is looking for you.  Not just everyone. Hunters."

He chuckled, "Well, I'm perfectly safe here. Nothing to do, but stare at someone as hot as yourself."

I glared at him, "Flattery will get you nowhere with me. Now, do you have any ideas on who Derek's next beta could be?"

He shrugged his shoulders, "No, not really." He thought about it. "Have you met Erica Reyes?"

"Only around PE." I answered.

"You can try her. She looks like someone who could need it."

I nodded my head and left for school.


Gym. Today's activity...rock climbing. This was going to be fun. Scott and Allison were against each other against the wall. Lydia made her way towards me.

"Hey, Mina." She said as she twirled her hair around her fingers.

"Hey." I dead-panned.

"Where have you been? I haven't seen you around."

I didn't look at her. I kept my eyes on the wall, "Sorry, I've been busy."

"With what?"

I crossed my arms as I slowly looked at her, "Family issues."

The next thing had me laughing really hard. Allison kicked Scott's hand causing him to lose his grip and fall down on the mat. A lot of people began laughing, even Coach.

Coach knelt down beside Scott, "McCall, I don't know why, but your pain gives me a special kind of joy." Same here. Coach got back up, "Right? All right, next two. Stilinski, Hale, let's go. The wall."

I rolled my eyes. It just had to be him.

"Have fun with your boyfriend." Lydia said.

"He's not my boyfriend." I glared.

"Keep telling yourself that." She said before going next to Allison.

I made my way towards the wall. Stiles was next to me while I was getting the harness on.

"Good luck." He said.

I just glared in response. I need to ignore my feelings and tell my heartbeat to slow down. Coach blew the whistle and we started climbing. Climbing came easy to me. I use to rock climb a lot three years ago with my old friend, Theo, before I had to leave. I was already halfway to the top.

"Are you part spider-monkey?" Stiles asked.

I looked down and raised my eyebrow. "Are you part sloth?"

I quickly climbed up the rest of the wall before reaching the top. I let go of the wall and I was slowly being pulled down. Once I got down, I unhooked my harness and went toward the bleachers.

"Next two, Erica and, ugh, Greenburg." Coach said.

Ok, that's Erica. She was scared. Greenburg was a quarter way there before Erica finally decided to climb up. She was taking deep breathes as she climbed up. Soon she started to shake.

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