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As soon as Derek went after Jackson I followed. I was following his scent because Jackson didn't have one. I kept running until I found them fighting. I shifted and ran towards them. Jackson was about to swipe Derek, but I wrapped my arms around his waist and rammed him to the ground. I got up and swiped my claw at Jackson, which he blocked. Jackson spun around and his tail collided with my chest. I flew back a few feet and landed on the ground.

I growled as I got up. Derek tries to kick Jackson, but Jackson grabbed his foot and tossed him to a tree. He decided that it was the best time to run. He's not getting away. I started running after him. I followed the hissing sound. I ran round a corner of a building and Jackson was nowhere in sight. Fuck.

I was breathing heavily and wanted to punch something. There was nothing around so I slammed my fist on the wall. My knuckles cracked and bled, but I didn't care it'll heal. I squinted my eyes as I saw two figures ahead of me and groaned.

Scott and Stiles.

I made my way over, "You idiots found Jackass?"

They were both startled when I came up. I rolled my eyes. It's not like I sneaked up on them or anything.

"Are you going to kill him if you find him?" Scott asked.

I crossed my arms, "What do you think?"

Stiles noticed my bloody knuckle, "Mina, you're bleeding."

I rolled my eyes, "Thank you, Captain Obvious."

"You can't kill Jackson." Scott stated.

I glared at him, "Oh, yeah and - uh - who's gonna stop me? You?" I pointed at Stiles. "Him? Yeah, right." I tried to go around him, but Scott blocked me. "Get out of the way, McCall."

"Mina, you're not killing Jackson."

Scott and I had our stare down. It lasted for a moment before Stiles spoke up, "Alright how about a truce before someone ends up with their head ripped off. Mina, you don't kill Jackson and, um, all of us work together." I turned my glare at Stiles. "Jus - just for to - tonight...please."

I stared at Stiles before looking back at Scott, who was giving me a pleading look. I looked back at Stiles, I stared at those brown eyes I love so much. I felt myself giving in.

I sighed, "Fine."

"Thank you." They said simultaneously.

I rolled my eyes, "Let's just get this over already."


We went around the back of the club Jackson was in. Scott and Stiles filled me in on Jackson going inside to kill Danny. I felt myself growl at that. If Jackass lays one finger on Danny I'll rip his throat out, forget about the truce. We were looking for a way in and found the backdoor, only to find it lock.

Stiles groaned, "Aw, come on. All right, maybe there's, like, a, uh... like, a window we could climb through, or some kind of..." He didn't finish his thought because Scott over to the door, ripped the handle off and gave it to Stiles. I nodded my head in approval. "Handle that we could rip off with supernatural strength. How'd I not think of that one?"

I let out a chuckle as we made our way inside. Lights flashing brightly, music blasting. At least I don't have to worry about getting hid on tonight. Everyone here is a guy. We're in a gay club.

Scott stated the obvious, "Dude, everyone in here's a dude. I think we're in a gay club."

"Man, nothing gets past those keen werewolf senses, huh, Scott?" Stiles said sarcastically.

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