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I was sitting on the stairs with Boyd, who was rubbing his shoulder, watching Isaac and Erica fight Derek. They're terrible at it. All of their fighting moves are so predictable that a baby could block it.

Isaac went through the obstacles and tried to attack Derek. But, that didn't work because he was thrown to the ground. Boyd and I laughed. Erica came down from the roof of the bus to attack. But, like Isaac, she was thrown to the ground.

Derek sigh annoyed , "Does anyone wanna try not being completely predictable?"

Erica jumped him and smacked her lips on his. I looked away in disgust. Derek grabbed her and tossed her to the floor.

Derek glared down, "That's the last time you do that."

"Why? Because I'm a beta?" She asked as she got up. Boyd and I went to stand next to them.

"No, because I have someone else in mind for you."


Isaac walked over to him, "Are we done? I got about a hundred bones that need a few hours to heal."

"Come here." Derek said. I know what's going to happen next. Derek told Isaac to give him his arm. Derek held it and he broke a bone. Isaac grunted, Boyd and Erica looked at Derek terrified. "A hundred and one. You think I'm teaching you how to fight? Huh? Look at me! I'm teaching you how to survive!"

"If they wanted us dead why aren't they coming for us now? What are they waiting for?"

Derek sighed and walked a few feet away from us, "We don't know. But they're planning something. And you, especially, know that's not our only problem. Whatever that thing is that killed Isaac's father, I think it killed someone else last night. Until Mina and I find out what it is, you all need to learn everything that we know. As fast as we can teach you."

I crossed my arms and looked at Boyd, sending a smirk his way, "Ready for round two?"


The next morning I was off to school while Derek was looking for any leads on the creature that killed Isaac's dad. I was in the hallway when I spotted Scott and Stiles by the steps with their back to me. Ugh, I need to get pass them.

"I'm so sorry about the other day. I'm trying. We'll get through this. Uh, I know, because I love you." I heard Stiles. I raised my eyebrow at that as I stopped right behind them. "I love you more than... Oh, my god. I can't...you and Allison just have to find a better way to communicate.

"Come on, you're the only one that we can trust. Is she coming to the game tonight?" Scott asked.

I sighed and they turned to look at me, "If you're talking about your secret love affair with Allison, then you know she'll be coming."

"Really?" Scott gave me his weird love grin.

I rolled my eyes, "What do you think?"

Scott's smile got wider. Stiles changed the subject, thank god, "Ok, that's great. Now tell me about your boss."

What about Deaton?

"He thinks that Allison's family keeps some kind of, uh, records of all the things that they've hunted. Like a book." Scott said.

I passes the both of them and went took a few steps down, "You mean a bestiary."

"What?" He asked.

"A bestiary." Stiles said.

Scott chuckled, "I think you mean bestiality."

I glared at him, "No, you idiot. It's an encyclopedia of mythical creatures.  Bestiality is intercourse between human and animal." I walked down the rest of the steps, "I'm gonna leave before I catch more of your stupidity."

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