Chapter 5- First kiss

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Melody's POV

The next day I walk to Tyson's house. He texted me his address and I found out he actually lives around the corner from me. By around the corner I don't mean when your mom says "Hi sweetie, I'm around the corner, I'll be there now." kind of around the corner. I mean if you walk three houses down and turn right then his house is right there.

I ring the doorbell and wait. Five minutes later Tyson opens the door and is wearing a towel that is draped loosely around his waist, there is water dripping down his body. he has a tattoo of three roses going down the left side his stomach. Oh my fuck. Talk about sexy. What?

Tyson frowns, "You're early." He says. "Tyson, it's half past five." I say. We decided to meet at half past five. Tyson insisted we meet at half past ten and I could just sleep in his room if it gets too late to walk back. Stupid child. "Oh, okay, well come in then. I'm just going to go put on cloths. Just come up with me, I'll change in my bathroom." Tyson says.

I nod and walk upstairs with Tyson, his house is really nice, there is a lot of glass and wood and it looks really modern. He opens a door that has a poster saying keep out, typical, and walks in. Tyson's room is big and has light blue walls with a single bed on the right, a white wooden desk and the rest if the room is pretty empty except for the cupboards and a mirror that goes along the entire wall. Ha, cocky much?

"I know what yes urge thinking and no, I don't use the mirror to just stare at myself all day, I use it to dance in front of. Well that's also why this room is so empty, I use to to dance most of the time." Tyson explains. "You dance? What dancing do you do? Can you dance for me?" I ask. Tyson chuckles, "I just do hip hop and no, we need to practice. If you do it properly maybe I'll dance for you, that means no complaining about kissing me, okay cupcake?" I frown and nod, "Okay, but don't call me cupcake." I say.

"Why, you don't like it?" Tyson asks and I shake my head. "Well that's too bad, cupcake." Tyson says and winks then walks into the bathroom. Idiot.

He walks out again and is wearing nothing but grey sweet pants that hang low on his waist. I look down at his shirtless torso and back up at his face and he smirks at me, "Like what you see?" He asks.

"Yes." I whisper. Tyson raises his eyebrows and smiles. He walks towards me and pulls me against his chest, leaning his forehead against mine. He takes my legs and pulls me up and I wrap my legs around his shirtless waist. I press my lips against his and he slowly walks towards his bed, carrying me with him.

He places me down on the bed and puts his body in between my legs, not moving his lips from mine. I rub my hand down Tyson's body, feeling his muscles, he let's out a moan against my lips and smiles.

Just kidding, that never happened. Although it was really hot in my imagination. I roll my eyes, "Yeah right." I say.

Tyson takes out his Samsung and googles the scene we have to act out. Nah, IPhone is so much better than Samsung, right?


After acting it out a few times without kissing Tyson tries to get me to kiss him but fails horribly, he sighs and sits down on the bed, "Why won't you kiss me?" Tyson asks. My eyes wonder down to his bare stomach that looks fine as fuck right now. Is it hot in here? Or is it just him? I quickly look up at his face before he catches me checking him out.

"Because you kissed me twice. Without my permission, might I add." I explain. Tyson faces me and stares intensely into my eyes, he puts his hand on my thigh, "Come on, give me a better reason than that." Tyson says. I look down at Tyson's hand and bite my lip.

Should I tell him? 


Just do it?

I sigh, "Because... You stole my first kiss." I say and look back up at Tyson's eyes.


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Lots of love and jelly tots- TPG

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