Chapter 30- Egg

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Hahaha, sorry, that was evil of me to not update for so long *evil Dexter laugh* anyway, here is the update ;) enjoy <3

Hahaha, im warning you now, its about to get from zero to one hundred.


Chapter 30- Egg

Tyson pulls me foward and kisses me. His body is presses up against mine and his hands move to my waist, holding me close to him.

As soon as reality hits me, I push him back, forcefully. He takes a few steps back, frowning. "What the hell Tyson?" I scream, whipping my hand straight across his cheek.

He slowly lifts his hand to his cheek, looking at me with sadness. "I-I'm sorry." he whispers.

You're probably really confused. Well maybe not that confused but still slightly confused so let me explain everything to you.

I'm at school. It's been almost three months and I haven't talked to Tyson at all. It has been torture, not just to him.

I've been trying so hard to move on but it's almost impossible. Every time I see him, I want him more.

School has been horrible. Not just the fact that I have to listen to boring teachers, also the fact that I had to see Tyson every day. Dicklan has hit on me so many times since he found out Tyson and I 'broke up' and I've tried to ignore it. I honestly don't care anymore.

At least I have my best friend with me, that's the only good thing about any of this.

I have considered the fact that I should just let what happened go and talk to Tyson but I don't want to.

He hurt me and I don't think I want to forgive him, and yet at the same time I want to forgive him. I'm as confused and hurt as a chicken that has to watch someone fry an egg.

I roll my eyes and turn around, walking away. I need to get to home economics or Mr. V is going to kill me.


"Okay, I am putting you into pairs for this project, this will count for fifty percent of your grade so you better work hard." Mr. V says, handing out the worksheets that have the requirements for our term project.

Once he has handed them out, he starts listing the people that are going to work together. 

"Wait, the class is not even, Melody, you don't have a partner. Maybe you could go in a group of three or-" Mr.V gets cut off by the door swinging open and Tyson walking in. "Oh, perfect. Melody, you can go with Tyson." he says, clapping his hands in finality.

I sigh, putting my head in my hands. I swear it's like I am cursed. Whenever life is going okay, something just has to pop up and be like 'Ha, bitch you thought.'

"You can start working on your projects now." Mr.V says and then leaves the room, probably to get more coffee from the teachers lounge.

Tyson takes a chair and drags it to my desk, sitting down beside me. "What are we going to do?" he asks. "I'll do it and I'll put your name on it." I state, starting to write notes.

"Melody." He says, placing his hand over mine. I pull my hand away and glare at him, "What?"

"Please, I'm not saying you have to forgive me but just talk to me. Let me do this project with you. It's not just your mark, its mine too and I want to earn it so if you have a problem working with me then go tell Mr. V because I get that you're mad at me, you can hate me as much as you want but you cant ignore me forever. I don't even understand why you're still mad at me, it's been three months." he states.

"You don't understand why I am mad at you? Tyson, you kissed another girl, you called me a bitch and said you regret falling in love with me. You hurt me, I don't care how long it's been, I have been thinking about it for months. I couldn't get you off my mind because I kept wondering if I did something wrong. We weren't even dating and you still broke my heart. So yes, I can be mad at you for as long as I want because you see this," I take a peice of paper and scrunch it up, "That's what you did to my heart. Now try and make it how it was before." I state, throwing it at him.

We stay silent, staring at each other. I don't know why but my heart is racing.

I stand up as the bell rings, walking out the class and down the hall. Suddenly, Tyson grabs my hand, spinning me around to face him, "Listen Melody, I don't care if you're mad at me anymore. Yes, I hate it that you're mad at me but I've accepted it. It's done. I've tried giving you flowers and notes and chocolates and I don't know how many times I have said sorry but you just ignored it all. You know, it really hurt," Tyson voice breaks like he is holding back tears, "w-when I saw the cupcakes I made for you and the card I took hours writing, lying in the bin. You didn't even open the card, Melody. I stayed up for hours, doing the card over and over again, not sure how to explain how much you mean to me and yet when I finally found the words to say, they were thrown into the trash.

"You can throw my heart into the trash but you are going to do this project with me weather you like it or not so come to my house tonight at six." Tyson commands and then lets me go, walking away.

I stand in the hallways, speechless, staring at Tyson's back as he walks away.


Yeah, so that's done. Thanks for reading xxx do you guys still ship Melson (or whatever the ship name is idk) or is it over?

Lots of love and jelly tots- TPG

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