Chapter 27- Complicated

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Melody's POV

"Melody? What are you doing here?" Tyson asks, his eyes wide.

Oh my gosh, this is horrible. I was trying to stay away from Tyson for as long as I could and now I have to freaking live with him for an entire week. How could I have not seen this I mean I remember something about Tyson talking to Bobo but I thought maybe it was just a coincidence.

But seriously, what am I doing here? Can I just leave? I dont want to spend any time with Tyson.

"Melody...?" Tyson says slowly.     

I start walking backwards and look up. Why do I feel like I forgot how to speak English?

Do you even English?

"I... Uh... Je ne parle Anglais." I state. What? What the heck? Now I speak French? Okay.

"What?" Tyson asks, frowning. I keep walking backwards, maybe if I subtly walk away he will stop talking to me. "Ich spreche kein Englisch." I say slowly. Oh, and I speak German too? Well isn't this just brilliant? And yet I can't speak one word of my home language? How embarrassing.

I walk back into another persons hard chest. I turn around to see Jonathan smiling at Tyson, "Oh hey man, you're the guy that was alone with my sister in her room!" Jonathan says to Tyson. I physically want to face palm but I restrain myself.

"Yeah..." Tyson says awkwardly. "Are you guys still together? I heard you guys we're dating. Are you guys in love and all that shit? Or were you, if you guys aren't together anymore?" Jonathan asks.

Okay now I just want to face palm his face really hard...

"No we are not together anymore and-" I start but Tyson finished, "and I was in always love with her. I still am." he states and I look at him in shock.

He's not drunk and he is saying he loves me.

Tyson is staring so intensely at me that I feel like I am going to melt. "Well, this is awkward..." Jonathan says, breaking the silence.

I turn around and walk out the door, I walk into the empty room to the right of Tyson's room and shut the door, falling onto the bed with a sigh.

Did he really mean that he loves me? It's just hard to believe after he kissed another girl and told me I meant nothing to him. He said he was sorry but why should I believe him?

Love can't be something you throw around. Maybe he doesn't think that word means as much as it really does. But I just dont know if I should trust him anymore. I want to.

Ugh, I'm just tired. I want to hibernate. I bet even at the end of the holiday I am still going to be tired. Even if I sleep for three years I will still wake up tired.

Can I just hibernate and pretend everything is okay and I am not living with the guy that I may or may not be in love with. I don't even know what love is, how am I supposed to know if I am in love  or not.

When did my life get so complicated? Why can't I just not have any feelings so that way I can't fall in love and I can't get hurt.

"Kids! Come down for lunch!" I hear Tia shout.

I sigh and get up, walking out of my room. I see Jonathan running down the stairs and I chuckle. Never come in between Jonathan and food.

Someone pushes me against the wall and I turn to glare at the person. "We meet again, cupcake." he whispers, pinning me against the wall.

"What are you doing?" I whisper.

Tyson's POV

I stare down at Melody. I don't know what she is doing but I don't like it. It's like I'm only happy when I am with her and its fucking stupid because I am used to just not being happy at all.

Shit just got real.

No, I'm not trying to be all depressing and shit. It is just a fact. My parents are dead, I don't really have any reason to be happy unless I am with Melody and that is petty as fuck to be honest because how horrible does your life have to be for that to happen?

The more I try not to kiss her, the more I want to. That's what I am going to do to her. I'm going to drive her so crazy that she can't do anything but let me kiss her. When she let's me kiss her, I won't kiss her. Simple. It definitely won't be easy. I know exactly what she likes, I know what can drive her insane.

That's what love is, right?


"Please give me a chance to explain why I did what I did, Melody?" I say softly.

She looks down and nods and I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding. "The day I was drinking, it was because it was the day my parents died. I didn't think I would see you. I'm sorry, I know I am wrong. When I kissed Brittany it was because I felt so hollow from my mistakes that I needed a distraction. It was stupid that I kissed her but I wasn't thinking straight. I'm so sorry. Please give me a second chance?"

I am absolutely horrible with apologies. Exhibit A is located above.

Melody sighs, "Give me a good reason why I should?" She asks.

"I can't." I state, looking down at her lips. She pushes me away from her and walks down the stairs.

Time for plan B.

Become the player she hated.


AHHH I LITERALLY SUCK AT APOLOGIES TOO! Like if I hurt someone's feelings I'm just like 'oh shit, hahahahahah sorry?'

Ps. For re-readers some of you might notice I changed the name from Ting Tong to Tia. I took the name Ting Tong from a strange British tv show I watched when I was younger and didn't realise that it was offensive so I changed it now. I haven't read through some of my books in years so if anything offends you in my books please dm me and I'll change it <3

Please tell me what you think of this update? :D

Lots of love and jelly tots- TPG

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