Chapter 7- Boyfriends

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Melody's POV   

I walk out of my Literature class. I haven't talked to Tyson since we acted out our scene in front of the class. I never kissed him, we just pretended to kiss and i haven't kissed him since we were in the janitors closet.

I walk down the hall and into the cafeteria. Food... My boyfriend. Sorry ladies but he's taken, and he is the best boyfriend ever.

Ha, taking single to the next level.

I walk into the cafeteria and look around, I see Jessica sitting at the same table as always, she smiles at me and I smile back. I go get my food and sit down next to her. "Hey hun." Jess says.  I just nod, my mouth already full of food.

Jess looks around the cafeteria and I watch her, she is beautiful with long blond hair and natural highlights, blue eyes and an awesome body. I don't why she isn't dating Jackson yet, they would be perfect together.

I watch as Jessica's eyes widen and she elbows me, "Ouch, what was that-" Jessica cuts me off, "Look!" she whispers loudly.

I turn to see what she is staring at with her mouth agape and then I see him. Dicklan. My ex. Let's just say his parents chose the right name for him because dick is definitely one way to explain him. When I see him its like a punch to the stomach and I forget how to breath. Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale. But all I do is inhale, inhale, inhale.

Let me introduce you to Dicklan Somerhalt. I dated him, I fell in love with him, I thought he would stop  being a player, I was wrong, he cheated on me, the end. Typical cliché. But it was absolutely horrible. But I never thought I would see him again and yet here he was, in my school, flirting with a cheerleader. Just great. Could it get any worse?

Here's a little personal tip: Never ask that question. It will always get worse.

Jackson cones and sits at our table. Tyson is looking at me with a frown. "Thanks Melody." Jackson says and grins. Jessica is watching him with love stuck eyes. My poor best friend is in love with a player.

"For what?" I ask, confused. "For not sleeping with Tyson. I know you heard us make the bet and so thanks for not sleeping with him because It means I am winning. But we've taken it to the next level, if I win, I get one of Tyson's cars and if he wins then I have to get the top 5 to sleep with him all on the same day."  Jackson explains.

"What if you don't get him the top 5?" I ask. The top five are the five most popular girls at our school; Brittany, Katy, Angelica, Lauren and Samantha. They're rich, they're pretty, they're sluts and they're fashionable. By fashionable I mean they buy very expensive butt shorts and crop tops from Prada. Fashionably slutty. Every guy in the school wants them. Although Brittany is the top of the top, luckily she's away in Paris for this week.

"Then I have to give Tyson my car." Jackson says, frowning. "How many cars does Tyson have?" I ask. "Six." He answers. Six? He has six fricking cars! I roll my eyes, of course he has six cars. "Whatever. Its definitely a pleasure not sleeping with him." I say, referring to Tyson.


I walk down the corridors towards the exit of the school. Most students have already left, school finished twenty minutes ago. Someone grabs me and pulls me into their chest. My face hits a hard, muscular chest.

I look up and see Dicklan. Great. "What do you want?" I snap. My day has been officially ruined, having to talk to him. "You." He whispers in my ear. I fake a laugh, "Oh, well you should have thought about that before you cheated on me." I state, rolling my eyes.

"Come on, its not like anyone else wants you." He states. Ouch, that hurt. I look around the corridor, there are a few students walking past. At the end of the corridor I see Tyson leaning against his locker looking bored as Angelica, one of the girls in the top 5, flirts with him.

Without thinking I say, "Actually, I have a boyfriend." I state. "Oh really, who? Probably some ugly loser." he says with a smirk. "Ha no, he isn't a loser he isn't you." I retort. "Then who?" He asks. I walk down the corridor, towards Tyson.

I move Angelica out the way and Tyson raises his eyebrows, "Hey Melody, what are-" Before he can finish his sentence I press my lips against his without thinking.


*does evil laugh* see you soon minions xxx

Lots of love and jelly tots- TPG

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