Chapter 13- Mistakes

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Melody's POV

I don't have a heart. 

Well I do, of course I have a heart. I'm not a vampire, although that would be pretty awesome.

I don't run unless there's a serial killer chasing me but this isn't Texas Chainsaw so that hasn't happened yet but I don't feel my heart much because I'm pretty sure after you run your heart rate picks up and I haven't run from anyone yet... I have run from my responsibilities though.

I'm not Albert Einstein so I can't really prove the theory but I'm pretty sure it makes your heart beat faster. Anyway that's not the point, the point is that I don't feel like I have a heart. Except when I see Stiles with his Jeep and my heart starts racing because damn, Stiles is life.

Ugh, I'm going off track again, but can you blame me, it's Stiles Stillinski we're talking about?

So yes, technically I have a heart but the thing is, when something bad happens I tend to block everyone out and act like I don't care and it works every time but inside it hurts but at the same time it doesn't.

I'm probably talking gibberish.

It's like I block out my heart whenever any possible emotions start attacking me. Definitely not a good thing, but sometimes it is.

Take now for example; I've just been ditched by the guy who has been acting as my boyfriend for the last month on prom night so he could go with the sluttiest bitch in the school who has also been my bully since kindergarten and then I stupidly run out of the building and straight into the pouring rain which has ruined my make up and my dress that costed more than my school fees for the past four years.

How do people in books and movies do this shit?

It's harder than it looks.

Now listen; I'm telling my story. This is how it happened. You guys can judge me and call me a slut or say I'm stupid for the decisions I made or shake you head at me and stop reading my story but this is what life is.

Its real.

You make mistakes, you do things without thinking, sometimes it gets a little boring because half of the time you're sitting in your room watching Netflix or reading but that's life. Its not like what they make it out to be in the movies. Its not perfect and I definitely am not perfect.

So if you want the perfect guy with the perfect girl and the perfect love who live happily ever after then go watch Cinderella or something because this is real.

I look up, rain splashing against my face, to the person who called my name.

My eyes meet Tyson's green ones. I've always had a thing for guys with green eyes and dark hair.

"What?" I snap. Yup, I'm upset and I shall take it out on Tyson because he is the main reason I even came to this stupid thing and then he left me.

Who is going to believe I'm dating him if he can just ditch me for Brittany for a night and then be back with me the next day.

"Lo siento [I'm sorry]." he whispers.

He looks really cute with his hair falling on his face and his cloths sticking to his body because of the rain. He didn't dress up for prom, He's just wearing dark jeans and a black top with a leather jacket over it.

I roll my eyes, "Yeah, whatever."

Tyson walks up to the bench and puts out a hand. I frown and look at his hand, "What are you doing?" I ask.

"Today's Friday, our movie night, I'm taking you to the movies." Tyson explains.

Tyson and I have been meeting up every Friday after school to watch movies and eat junk food in comfortable cloths. It's actually really fun hanging out with Tyson when he is not being a perverted ass.

I take Tyson's hand and he pulls me up causing me to slip on the wet grass, I almost faceplant but Tyson wraps his arms around my waist and holds me up.

I breathe out a sigh of relief and look up to thank him but he is staring down at my lips.

"Tyson!" A high pitched voice screams from the building. We both turn to look at Brittany who is standing under the shade of the veranda outside our gym, probably too scared to come out here because her Christian Louboutin shoes will get wet.

"You know what I've always wanted to do?" Tyson whispers, turning back to face me. "What?" I ask.

"Kiss a pretty girl in the rain." Tyson whispers and leans his forehead against mine, smiling.

I hear Brittany screaming at Tyson but I block it out.

Before I can reply to his statement, Tyson moves foward and crashes his lips against mine.


Please remember to vote and comment what you think, it means a lot <3 thanks for reading my minions xxx I live you all *blows lots of kisses*

Lots of love and jelly tots- TPG

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