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Tyson's POV 

It's over.

The story is over.

Melody is dead.

She died five years ago and I have finally accepted it and moved on. Yes, five years is a really long time but sometimes people don't understand.

They tell you to get over it but sometimes it is okay if you don't. Sometimes you have to take your time to heal and accept. Some people take lifetimes to get over it.

If you're trying to get over something then stop. Trust me, I know. My parents are dead and the girl I loved is dead too and I refused to accept it. I pushed my parents deaths away and sometimes it hurt more to try and forget then to let myself cry.

I didn't imagine how the relationship would have been. That's not the right thing to do because it will make it worse.

I missed her, I mourned for her and I let her go, because just like the ring Melody gave me always reminds me, sometimes you just gave to let it go.

So take your time and heal the wounds. Let them turn to scars to show that you have lived the way some people don't even get an option to.

You can hate me for telling this story and letting it end like this. You can threaten me and scream but it won't change what happened.

I once promised a girl something. I promised her that I would share her story and I don't break my promises.

So, share a story I shall.

This girl is Melody Carson.

She believed that she wasn't worth a story but she was so wrong. She wasn't a major celebrity that fell in love with a nobody, she wasn't a nerd that changed the guy and she wasn't a girl that falls in love with the innocent boy next door.


She was way more than that.

Melody was a girl with cancer. She was just like any other girl. She was normal and she was happy and she went to school everyday, just like any other teenager.

Her death will not be meaningless. It will never be meaningless. Her death will represent something. It will represent the people that die every single day.

They have lives too. Lives that they enjoyed living. They had children and lovers and family and problems but it was their life and they loved it yet they didn't get the option to live because of somebody or something else.

There are people that will give anything for a sip of water and we sit here, pretend like everything is okay but it's not. Everything is not okay and people need to see this. They need to realize this.

Melody's story is not to make you cry and scream or plan murder, it is to give you the truth.

It's to show you anything can happen, and it will happen so fast that you don't even realize what happened until it's too late to go back and make it better.

So make it better now, before it's too late.

I hate deaths. I hate writing about people that died and I hate hearing about it and I hate seeing it. This was one of the hardest things I've done but I had to do it.

Sometimes you have to have the sad endings so the happy endings can be even better.

I won't change what happened for the sake of people's emotions. People need to accept what is happening. This is for the people that are way up in the sky, watching us with smiles. To the people that died of cancer or were murdered without a cause. This is to the beautiful people in this world that didn't deserve to die.

Melody, if you can hear me, then this is for you. This is the promise that I am keeping to you. This is your story that I want to tell the world.

This is a story of a girl that hated the player.


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