Chapter 25- Lake House

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Melody's POV

I get out the school doors and start walking home. I would call my mom and ask her to pick me up but there is no way she would do that if I am skipping school. I'm sure she will be fine if I walk home but she would tell me to stay at school if I asked her to pick me up.

There is no way I am going back into that hell hole. I pick up my phone and dial Jessica's number, "Hey Mel, everything okay?" she greets as she answers the phone.

"Hey Jess, I'm going home. Not feeling well." I say. "Okay, what actually happened though?" she asks and I sigh. "What?" I ask. "I'm pretty sure Tyson looks even worse than before if that is possible, what happened when you left the cafeteria?"

"Well, I saw Tyson kissing Brittany. Long story short, we fought and then I left." I say, not wanting to remember the details.

"Aww honey, you want me to ditch school and bring you ice cream?" she asks. I smile, "No thanks Jess, stay in school. Collect any homework or assignments for me please, I don't think I am going to go to school tomorrow either." I say.

Jessica chuckles, "No problem but there probably won't be any homework since school is closing in five days." she says.

I unlock the door of my house and push it open, "Thanks, love you babe." I say.

She blows a kiss into the phone, "Love you too, see you on Wednesday?" she asks.

"Yup." I say popping the 'p' and then we end the call.

I'm not moping really, I'm just not going to school tomorrow because it's school and I don't want to. But its also a little because I don't want to see Tyson but I won't let one stupid guy bring me down.

One stupid guy that I accidentally fell in love with.

Little tip kids: never pretend to date a guy because those romance novels are right, you will probably fall for him and he will probably hurt you. But he might not come after you when he breaks your heart and you might not live happily ever after so don't risk it.

I hate love. It sucks mokeys balls. Don't do it. Trust me.

"Melody? Is that you, sweetheart?" my mom calls from the kitchen.

"Yes mom, its me." I shout. I walk into the kitchen to see my mom making cupcakes. Cupcake. I sigh and sit down. "Everything okay?" she asks, pouring sugar into the mix.

No. "Yeah, just not feeling well. I don't think I am going to go to school tomorrow." I say and stand up, walking out the door of the kitchen. "Okay, you should start packing tomorrow then." she says.

I spin around, "For what?" I ask quickly. My mom turns around to face me, wiping her hands on her apron that says "Money can't buy happiness but it can buy food and its pretty much the same thing."

"We are leaving this weekend to go stay at a lake house with a sweet couple that I work with."

"Can you explain further?" I ask slowly. Going away to stay at some random couples lake house?

"Okay, well there is a married couple that work in the same building I do and I have become good friends with them. They have invited us to come stay at their lake house for a week with them and I accepted. We are leaving on Friday and we will come back home the following Saturday. They have a son the same age as you and Jonathan so maybe you can make new friends. Oh, and no, this is not negotiable, we are going." she says and then turns back to her baking.

I sigh and walk out the kitchen, going upstairs. "Oh and honey?" my mom shouts to me. "Yes mom?" I shout back. "Follow me back on Instagram or I am taking your phone away." my mom threatens and I chuckle, "Okay!"

I shut my room door and pull out a small suitcase. I might as well pack now so I can sleep in tomorrow. I hope this week and next week just go by fast so I can come back home and do nothing the entire holiday except eat and watch series on Netflix until the WiFi gets finished.

I stuff my underwear in one section and then put my toiletries in a pink toiletry bag, I take out skirts and shorts and bikinis as well. My mom said the couple has a son my age, what if he is cute? I need to make sure I look cute so he thinks I am cute and then maybe I can forget about Tyson as fast as possible.

Once I am done packing I zip my bag and put it in the corner of the room. Packing wasn't too hard because I basically just pack my entire cupboard even though I am going away for one week. I just dont know of I might need something and so I have to pack everything.

I really can't wait to do nothing for days in a row.

My life sucks.


Haha, this is so me. I literally pack everything I own when I stay somewhere. Even if I am going away for just two days.

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed xxx see you soon and please remember to vote <3 love you guys *blows kisses*

Lots of love and jelly tots- TPG

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