Chapter 15- Sparkly Poles

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Melody's POV

I lie on my bed and stare up at the roof. I have been watching Teen Wolf and Gossip Girl series for a few hours now with Tyson after we both ditched prom and came back to my place.

I changed out of my wet dress and now I'm in a really soft pair of sweatpants and a tank top.

Tyson had to borrow my brothers clothes which I stole from his cupboard while he was in the kitchen pigging out.

I'm really close with my mom and brother and we normally eat dinner together every night, my mom tries to get us together as much as she can which I actually appreciate even though I groan and moan about it all the time. My brothers room is right next door to mine, he is the same age as me but he goes to a more expensive school further away from home.

I secretly love both of them and would die for them if I had to even though I would never admit it. I definitely wouldn't admit to my stupid brother - Jonathan - who farts on me but he is actually quite fun, especially when I play call of duty with him. I'm a legend at that game, and by legend I mean I can kill about two bots on the easiest level.

After two hours of watching series I got tired of the constant complaining of Tyson about the fact that Chuck Bass "is not that great" and I almost castrated then defenestrated him, so I turned the laptop off and just lay on my bed.

We have been talking about random things for about an hour now. If my mom came on me and Tyson alone in my room she would slowly dismember me in the most gruesome way possible.

"What is one thing you have always wanted to do?" Tyson asks me. We have been talking about the most random things like what we are going to name our cats if we ever bought one.

I'm naming mine Mittens.

"Carry glitter around in my pockets and when ever someone said something rude or dumb I would just throw glitter above their heads like a baptism for stupidity." I say, I have honestly wanted to do that since I was ten.

Tyson laughs, "Only you."

"Can you cook." I ask. Tyson just laughs in reply, "Can you?" he asks back, I'll take that as a no.

"Well, let's just say I tried making two minutes noodles once and the microwave set on fire." I say with a sigh.

Tyson bursts into a fit of laughter, falling off the bed with a thump in the process.

Jonathan barges into my room, "Ody, have you seen my Beetles shirt, it's missing and-" he stops in the middle of his sentence when he sees Tyson on the floor.

"Oh, okay, well you better wash it." he says when he sees Tyson wearing his shirt, "Melody is busy on Mondays and Wednesdays, she works on the street, but you can book an appointment with me for her for Thursday next week. A pink, sparkly pole is an extra fifty bucks." he tells Tyson.

Tyson laughs and Jonathan adds, "Her stripper name is Melody, by the way."

I roll my eyes at my idiot brother, "Is there any pizza left, Than?"

My brother and I call each other by the last part of our names because our nicknames are Mel and Jona and so we called each other the opposite.

We're not that weird, although we did make a pact that if we needed to kill someone the other sibling would help hide the body. Okay, we're pretty weird.

"No, I finished it, don't burn the house down trying to make something else. I think the safest thing for you to do is to have a peach or something." Jonathan says, I throw a pillow but he ducks out the room and shuts the door just before it hits him.

Damn it, I just remembered there is school on Monday. Nooooooooooo.

"So, you free next Thursday?" Tyson asks with a smirk, "I'll pay the extra fifty for the sparkly pole." he adds.

Before he can react, a pillow slams straight into his face.


Sorry if this update was horrible, I'll try make the next one a bit better ;) xxx tell me what you thought anyway, even if you hated it.

Lots of love and jelly tots- TPG

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