Chapter 31- Forgive

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Melody's POV

I chuckle, "Okay, yeah." I say, shaking my head and rolling my eyes. I have spent the last few hours at Tyson's house and we actually managed to get our project done.

We had to make a dessert and so we made brownies although the first time we tried it somehow ended up with tomato sauce in it so we had to do it again.

"So do you forgive me?" Tyson asks, jumping up onto his counter and dangling his legs off the edge.

"First I want to know something... Why did you kiss Caitlyn?" I ask.

Tyson frowns, "I was trying to make you jealous." he explains and I shake my head, "Yeah but she is a hoe, her brother told me." I state.

Tyson chuckles, "So are you." he states and I stop smiling.

What? I stare at Tyson with my mouth dropped slightly open. "Oh, come on..." Tyson says, chuckling a bit more nervously.

He hops off the counter and walks towards me. As he reaches me he lifts his arm to touch me but I move away from him, "Don't touch me." I spit.

"Melody..." Tyson says. He still hasn't even said he was joking. He hasn't said sorry. Wow. I shake my head, "Whatever, the brownies are done, now will you leave me alone?" I state as I walk to the front door of Tyson's house.

"Melody, come on. I thought you said you would forgive me." he says and as I walk out the door. "Well I thought you would see me as more than just a slut." I state and get into my mom's car that she let me borrow, slamming the car and driving off.

I guess we were both wrong.

I look in the rear view mirror and see Tyson getting into has car as well and so I speed up. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

I wasn't the one that threw Tyson's cupcakes in the trash with his card. It was Jessica. I was going to read the card and I started smiling and everything but Jess took it and threw it away with all the other things he gave me and she kept telling me that I should stop falling for him because he is a player and he will hurt me.

I walk up to my dark blue locker and pull it open. School just ended and honestly, all I want to do is go home. It's only been a few days since Tyson hurt me and I just hate seeing him because I want to forgive him so badly.

I scan my locker and I see a little container as well as a card in a little pink envelope. I pull it out as Jessica walks up to me and I smile when I see my name in his untidy handwriting scribbled on the front.

"Nope," Jessica pulls it out of my hand and takes the adorable frosted cupcakes with it and then shoves them both in the bin. "Jess," I groan, "I wanted to eat those."

Jess leans against the locker and stares at me, "Mel..." she says and sighs, "Please trust me, I am your best friend, I have seen the movies and read the books and dated the idiots. I know what Tyson is like, no, I haven't been with him but I have been with someone like him and no matter how many times you forgive him you will end up hurt and you don't deserve that. Save the all painful moments and just try to forget about him. Now I am not saying you have to forget him but maybe just try distance yourself and don't read the stupid and adorable letters." she says, frowning.

Jess was right.

He is a player and I am supposed to hate him and yet every time I talk to him I fall for him and I can't help but forgive him and it's stupid because I feel like one of those really dumb girls that just fall at their boyfriends feet.

I turn into my driveway and I get out, turning around when I hear sirens going off. It's probably the police again, they always do those security checks.

I walk into the house and shut the door. My phone starts ringing and I pull it out of my pocket. The caller ID is Tyler, "Hello?" I greet. "Melody, you need to come quickly." Tyler says, sounding panicked.

"What? Why?" I ask.         

"Tyson is in hospital, he was in a car accident and he crashed into a truck. H-he is not waking up."


mwaha mwahaha mwahahahaha. Hope you enjoyed ;)

Lots of love and jelly tots- TPG

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