Chapter 9- Rumours

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Melody's POV   

I lie on Tyson's bed and stare up at the ceiling. The sound of raindrops hitting against the roof fill my ears.

I love rain.

So many people don't like rain, but I love it. I mean, once I went to Sorbet to get my legs waxed and the lady doing it at the time was one of those ladies that just keeps talking, you know what I mean right? Well anyway, she told me she hated rain because she couldn't sleep but she loved falling asleep to thunder. That was strange.

There are so many reasons as to why I love rain; I love the sound, there are less bugs everywhere, you can cuddle with someone and watch movies, great weather for hot cocoa, lots of warm and soft blankets piled on top of you and OVERSIZED HOODIES!

I just love oversized things. Especially wearing guys cloths because most of the time it smelt really nice too.

"Can I wear your cloths?" I ask Tyson who is currently lying beside me on his bed. Tyson told me I had to sleep over at his house because we needed to plan our story to make us dating seem more believable. It would be believable if I was dating anyone else but since it is Tyson McCannon; the guy who has never had a real relationship before, we are going to need a story because rumors are going to spread faster than the legs of sluts in my school.

"Sure." Tyson says. I get up and open his closet. Ugh, so many awesome choices. Huh, I guess I'll go for the comfy choice since I'm not moving from his bed. I take out one of his black tracksuit bottoms and an oversized hoodie.

The sleeves are longer than my arms and everything is so big. Its soo comfy! I jump back into Tyson's bed after I finish changing in his bathroom. "Its official, I'm stealing all of your hoodies." I confess to Tyson. He chuckles, "You can use them whenever you want cupcake." He tells me.

Yes! Now I'm keeping them forever. This hoodie smells so good, like axe and vanilla. I bury myself deeper into the cloths. This is heaven.

I look outside the window and it looks like its already 6pm but its only 3pm. "Do you want to build a snow man?" I ask.

"Its raining, not snowing, cupcake." Tyson says. I laugh, "I know, I'm quoting Frozen." I explain. "Frozen? Who is Frozen?" Tyson asks, scrunching his eyebrows. "What? You don't know Frozen!" I shout. He shakes his head, "No, who is Frozen?" Tyson asks. I laugh, "Its a movie! Come on have you never heard someone sing 'Let it go'?"

Tyson shakes his head. I stand up, "Come on, were going to the DVD store and I am going to make you watch Frozen." I say. Tyson stands up, "Okay, if we are watching a movie we have to stop at the super market and buy all the popcorn they have in stock first." I laugh, I'm starting to like him already.

As a friend, obviously.


The next chapter will be long :P I promise xxx LET IT GOOO LET IT GOOOOO CAN'T HOLD IT BACK ANYMOREEEE!

Lots of love and jelly tots- TPG

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