Chapter 21- Cheese

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Melody's POV

"Cheese?" Tyson questions.

"Yes, cheese." I confirm. I can't believe I asked him about cheese! I was panicking, okay?

"Melody..." he says slowly, "are you okay? Did you fall and hit your head or maybe you had a few pot brownies?"

I chuckle, "No, no brownies or falling on heads." I say.

"Have you consumed alcohol recently?" he asks, sounding concerned.  

I roll my eyes, "No Tyson, I am completely okay. But, are you okay?" I ask. I know I shouldn't push it but I need to know if he is okay, he is obviously upset and I know when I am upset I have to tell someone because if I keep it bottled up I will explode.

He stays silent on the other side of the phone for a while, "Tyson?" I say to make sure he is still there.

"I'm fine." he says monotonously. Everybody knows when you say you are fine you most definitely are not fine.

"Tyson, you can talk to me. Please talk to me, it will help you, I swear you will feel better. Just-" I begin but Tyson cuts me off.

"Shut up Melody! Just shut up! No, I don't want to fucking talk about it and definitely not to you." he spits. "Me, what's wrong with talking about it with me?" I ask, hurt.

He feigns a laugh, "What's wrong? Oh I don't know, maybe the fact that I don't know you. You're just another one of the stupid girls I am trying to get into bed with me! You mean nothing to me Melody, you're just a nobody."

My heart tightens in my chest. He thinks I'm just another girl he can use? I close my eyes tight, trying not to take what he said to heart.

"Thanks Tyson." I whisper, my voice shakey.

"Wait, Mel-" I end the call, I've heard enough.

I lie on my bed and stare at the roof, my eyes starting to sting with tears. I pick up my phone and call Jessica but it goes straight to voicemail.

I sigh and purse my lips, hopefully she will call me back soon.

Why did what Tyson say hurt so much? Maybe Jessica is right, maybe I do like Tyson. Why would I like Tyson?

A few minutes later my phone rings, without looking at the caller ID, I answer, "Hey Jess." I say.

"Melody." Tyson whispers and I let out a little sob, hearing his voice.

I'm about to end the call when Tyson shouts, "Wait, Melody! Please just listen to-" I cut him off, "No Tyson, you listen," I spit, "I have tried to listen to you, I have tried talking to you, I have tried making you feel better, I have tried to help you but all you have done is put me down and tell me I am stupid and I am done. I don't want to listen to you anymore. Real relationship or not, we are over. I'd rather deal with Dicklan that have you tell me how meaningless I am to you. Please don't talk to me at school and delete my number off your phone." I say and end the call.

I stare at nothing in particular, my numb heart pounding hard in my chest. I wipe the tears off my cheeks. What did I do wrong?

I let out a frustrated scream and throw my phone to the other side of my bed. I twist around and shove my face into a pillow, screaming again. How did things escalate so quickly? I was just asking about cheese. Freaking cheese!

Someone knocks on my door and opens it, making it creek, "Ody, you okay, I heard you screaming?" Jonathan asks. I sigh and shake my head into the pillow, letting out a sob. I know I wasn't in a real relationship but it still felt like a real break up. It definitely hurt like one.

Did I overreact? I mean, he told me off and hurt me in the bar but I let it go but then he started screaming at me at telling me he is using me like I am a toy. I was trying to help him and make him feel better but he is so fucking selfish and conceited that he had to put me down to make himself feel better.


I feel Jonathan lie down on the bed beside me. He wraps an arm around me and I turn to face him, resting my head comfortably on his arm. "You want to talk about it?" he whispers and I shake my head, my eyes closed. "Do you want me to sleep with you tonight?" he asks and I nod.

He pulls me closer to him in a hug, "Remember what dad always used to tell us," he says, "It gets better, all you have to do is just keep swimming, just keep swimming, just keep swimming, swimming, swimming." he sings in sync with me, the song from Nemo that our dad used to sing to us when we were sad.

I laugh and shake my head, "He was such a mad hatter." I say and Jonathan nods, smiling at the memory.

I hope you're right dad.


Hope you enjoyed ;) thank you so much for reading all the way to here, it means so much to know people actually like reading this book *dances happily* you guys are all amazing <3

Lots of love and jelly tots- TPG

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