chapter 4

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I woke up with a massive headache.
Running straight to the toilet and puke my brains out.when i got a hold of my surroundings i looked down on my self.Ohh no no no no im naked.
"Oh no what did i just do?"

"Why did i listen to Amanda?"

"What came over me?"

"Was i drugged?"

I keep asking my self all these Questions.When i felt the pain in between my legs i felt sore.What happened last night.i walked back into the room looking for my clothes.
"Oh good your awake" A man says i was afraid to turn back but i know i have to and so i did.
"Daniel?" I was in shock he came leaned in and kissed my forehead.What is wrong wiyh him?.
"Yes darling i brough you breakfast for you to feel better"
He tells me wile sitting the plate down.Yums fruit salad a coffe oatmeal with crackers.I would eat it but what if hecwanted to drug me again.
"Why you drugged me and took my virginity?" I like an idiot blur out.
"Woow darling i never druged you.You desided to drink fruit punch wich is loaded with alcohol.And may i say you was the one all over me i asked you multiple times if you was sure"
I didnt let him finish and just lost it.
"Are you crazy how could you just sleep with a woman wile she's drunk.I would of never sleep with you or any men for that matter until i was married.But noo you had to appear and take my virginity"
I was so mad at my self right now i didnt even bother to know his side.Maybe he feels bad or he didnt mean it.But right now i lost something i cant get back.Something that was special to me.I know it aint his fault its mine for drinking and opening my legs.I looked at him and he's eyes say it all he looks so hurt for a second his eyes changed color to violet or maybe it was my hang over.
"I'm sorry i should of not let my self get carried away like that im so sorry"
I just couldnt blame him for everything.I dont know why i keep having these feelings for this guy.Everytime he talks my stomach erupts with butterflies.Dont think like this Malison hes just a man.
"Sweet heart why dont you eat first and then we can talk about it"
Daniel tells me i just nod and eat my food he brought me a towel and spare clothes for me to shower.He ran a bath with bubbles.Hes not only sexy but sweet.
After a long time in the shower i got dressed and went to the living room were he was.
"You think you can give me a ride,Alison must be worried" i told him.
"Yeah sure and i already called Jhon and told him to tell Alison you are safe"
Oh no he told them we sleped together.
"Did you umm...did you told them about....umm you know"
He laughed and shake his head.
"No i didn't that is up to you..."
I didnt let him finish.
"Oh god please lets keep this to our self"
A flah of hurt appeared in his eyes.
"Sure thing sweetheart are you ready to go?"
The ride home was so silent.He didnt even bother speaking and neather did i.We got home and went inside imidiately Amanda dragged me to her room.
"Why are you with Daniel?Did ya hooked up?"
I was so nervous but didnt want to say the truth.I felt like a whore.
"At his house and no i was drunk and went to sleep"
I told her.
"No that a lie your glowing" she tells me.
"Well im saying the truth.Amanda ima go and get ready for work."
"Oh fine but we are not done talking here."
A week later
Its been a very stressful week my boss was not his happy self,Amanda was never home and when she was she had to be with Jhon and Damian.He used to stare at me alot.Today was one of those days im so tired cant wait to go home.
"Malison you have a client asking for you in the office" My boss yells.
"Who is it boss"i asked him.Im very curious usually my clients come to me.
"Some men im to bussy to ask just take care of him so we can go home early" he tells me.
Thank god because i wanted to go home.I walked to the office and the person i didnt want to see was there my ex Lucas.Yes he was my first and last boyfriend we were good but he had to move to California.We kept in touch but after a wile i got bussy with work and he got bussy with his family business.
"Lucas" I said in shock he came to me and hugged me.
"I've missed you Malison"
Well what am i supposed to say to him? I've moved on and dont want no relationships in my life?
"I missed you too how you've been?" I asked
I cant believe he's here.
"I've been good how bout we go for lunch and catch up? He asked me.
How could i refuse hes a sweet heart.
"Sure let me close the store and tell the boss"
I went closed the store fixed the things i had to fix and told the boss i was out.
As me and Lucas walk out the store i bumped into some one.
I felt so bad like if i cheated or something.I looked in his eyes and i felt hurt by his look.

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