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He paced back and forth in his lonely chamber until finally he stopped in front of a large window. He looked out into the blackness that banishment brought with it and slowly anger and resentment began to build within him. Thoughts back to the day that they came storming through the castle gates and over throwing him, coursed through his dark and twisted mind. Their faces flashing in his head, laughing at him, mocking him and his plans to take over the human race. He couldn't take it anymore and finally he snapped "ARGH!!" He screamed out into the blackness that enveloped him.

He was still breathing heavily from rage when a young man stepped out of the darkness and into the cold dim-lighted room. "You called?" He asked as he stood just inside of the window frame. His head snapped up to look at the mans face and his eyes danced. Pacing again he began to talk, "It's time young one. Time for me to rise again and put those filthy good for nothing mortals in the ground. Time for the 5 rebel Immortals who put me in this god forsaken chamber never to see the light of day again, to rot in the depths of Hell along with their ancestors. But first," He paused and looked up at the young man again "We need to get the one thing the King cares most about, his mortal daughter." 

A grim smile played on his lips as he thought about the days that would follow. "You know what to do." He finished and dismissed the young man. "Yes my King." He answer bowing, and returned through the window and into the darkness as the the banished King began to laugh and cackle at the thoughts of the days, weeks and months to come. 




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Thanks xx 

AmbaBambaxo xx



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