Chapter 6

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Isabella paced back and forth on the roof of the apartment building, her eyes wide and mouth opening and closing in disbelief. "She saw you!?" Isabella screamed fuming and still pacing. She stopped pacing suddenly and stared daggers at Joseph, "You! I thought you said you had him! You know he can't do both at the same time!" She growled advancing towards Joseph. "You told me he was invisible!" She cried.

Isabella's blood was boiling and she could feel herself slowly losing control and turning. She wanted to rip Joseph's throat out and her urge was growing with every step closer. But before she could lunge out for him a warm hand found it's way to her shoulder. Snarling, she spun around and met concerned blue-green eyes, "Bella, breathe and come back to me, please." Pink lips spoke softy and sincerely. Isabella began to relax and slowly her body began to shut down on her. Michael brought her body close to his own "Shhh," He soothed as Isabella's breathing evened and her arms snaked their way around his waist. Then her body shut down and she fell limp in Michael's arms. Sighing sadly, he carefully picked her up bridal style and began carrying Isabella back the way they had come.

"I know he was.. I mean I was concentrating on him and only him, I could see it covering him even when he reached out. I just.... everything was fine!" Joseph babbled to himself as he tried to make sense of the situation. "Come on Jo, let's get back, we can figure it out when we're not so exposed." Michael said softly. Joseph sighed and nodded still deep in thought. He had had a clear hold on his friend! He'd done it so many times before so what made this time different? How did Hayley see Joshua?

Joshua was the youngest of the four and was the last to be welcomed into the misfit group. He wasn't as out there as the other's and preferred to keep quiet and read people, rather than get to know them. His hair was a natural brown that wasn't too dark and wasn't too light either and was always pushed up and out of his face. His eyes were a piercing blue that shone in the darkness and held so many secrets behind them. His skin was fair and flawless just like the other's and his skin held an even tan all over his toned body. Joshua was also very timid and caring, always putting other's first, but he could lose control at any moment and everything would shatter around him. But only a special person has what it takes to break him. 

While Michael retraced his steps, caressing Isabella in his arms with Joseph following, still lost in thought, Joshua sat on the edge of the roof with his legs hanging over the side. A goofy grin was plastered on his face and his eyes were glowing a brilliant blue. He could hear her 7 floors below him, softly humming an unfamiliar song as she cleaned the mess he had left. He thought back, to the way she hadn't shut him out when he reached out; but instead, came closer. She had even heard him, with Joseph covering him! This had never happened before and it intrigued Joshua and made him want to find out more. He had been enchanted by Hayley. "I have to see her again!" 



Sorry I haven't updated in a while! Been busy!! How was that? Chapter 7 should be up in the next couple of days!! 

Image on the side is Joshua :) xx Bringing out my Directioner side! :D 

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AmbaBambaxo xoxo 

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