Chapter 10

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   Lucus had left after threatening Joshua, leaving him to ponder what the hell he had meant. Which is exactly what Joshua did, until he realized Hayley was still lying unconscious on the couch. Scrambling up off the floor he went to her side, his face falling as he studied her. Hayley's once colour filled, smiley face was now lifeless and pale. Her once plump, pink, smiley lips were no faded and set into a tight, thin line. Her once flushed pink cheeks were now cold and white. Her body was lifeless and limp, just looking at her, Joshua knew he had to try help her. 

Joshua took a deep breath and concentrated on Hayley. He closed his eyes and held his hands over her body. Just like he had with Michael, he began muttering softly under his breath, barely audible to anyone around. Then a wave of warmth began to radiate from his hands spreading over Hayley. All of a sudden Joshua's hands began to become cold, his body beginning to lose feeling. Joshua's eyes flicked open and he brought his hands away from Hayley. "How is that even possible?" He questioned himself, inspecting his hands. The chemical that Lucus had injected Hayley had reversed the effect causing whatever Hayley had to infect Joshua too. If he hadn't of stopped he would've been lying next to Hayley slowly dying. "This is bad" He whispered.

He scooped Hayley up in his arms a swiftly made his way down the stairs unseen and out of the front door. "We never came up this way!" Joshua panicked as he stood on the footpath outside of the apartment building, trying to figure out which way he needed to go. Finally a familiar sign caught his eye and he ran off to the right, Hayley still in his arms. 

Joshua slipped through the shadows as familiar surroundings began to pass him. Apartments disappeared and the trees became taller and more of them were clustered together. He ran further and further away from the bright lights of the city until they were no longer visible and he had come to the edge of the woods. Danger signs littered the wooden fence that tried to prevent people from going in. Joshua scoffed and rolled his eyes "The only thing dangerous in here is Isabella." he spoke to himself before jumping the fence and running deep into the forest. 

He ran until finally a small enclosed clearing came into view with a flickering, glowing coming from the middle. The clearing had a trees and bushes on the out skirts and branches knotted together above the clearing creating a canopy around and above the clearing, making it almost invisible. In the middle of the clearing, lay a small log cabin, to rooms at the most. A large window was built into the front wall beside the small wooden door. A veranda was extended out the front, with a small table and chairs sitting on it and a large stone chimney was built in on the right of the house.

It was small and old, but Joshua had managed to fix it up, along with Michael, Joseph and Isabella, and now it was home. The only place all of them felt wanted and safe.

Joshua walked up the old creaking steps and onto the veranda, unable to see who was home as the curtain was closed over the big window. He pushed open the door and cautiously stepped into the house. He knew that Hayley wasn't meant to be here, not for another 6 months, and if the other's found out before he could explain he would lose everything. 

Breathing heavily from all the running, he walked down the short hallway and entered the small living room. 3 pairs of eyes landed on him and Joshua felt naked. Isabella was lying on the 3 seated couch, in between Michael's legs, a blanket covering them both. Joseph was sitting on the recliner on the opposite side of the room looking very bored. While Michael was sitting up at the end of the couch, playing with Isabella's hair. Joshua looked at Michael and raised an eyebrow, "Care to explain?" he asked trying to keep the smirk playing on his lips at bay. He knew this was coming a while back.

Michael's cheeks pinkened as a blush spread throughout them and opened his mouth to speak. Until Hayley shivered in Joshua's arms and her breathing became uneven and shaky. Michael shot up off the couch as he reaslised who was in Joshua's arms, tipping Isabella off him in the process. Isabella glared at Michael as she picked herself up and brushed herself off, before glaring at Hayley's restless body. Joseph slowly got up off the recliner and stood next to the other 3, mouth open and just as shocked. Joshua paid no attention to the gping teens in front of him, but to the shaking, lifeless girl in front of him, unsure what was happening. Then Hayley began to breath evenly and Joshua relaxed a little, as she was still shivering. 

He looked up and his shoulders slumped. "You first," Michael countered and Joshua nodded, pushing past them to lay Hayley on the couch under the blanket. He opened his mouth to begin his story but before he did, his hand flew to his forehead in realization. "SARAH!!" He shouted "Crap! I forgot about her!" Michael, Isabella and Joseph all looked at the feather head boy confused while Joshua panicked. "Sarah, I came crashing through the window, I couldn't hear her I'd blocked everything out... I couldn't hear her... I landed right in front of her and then just disappeared! She saw everything!!"  Joshua paced back and forth trying to figure out how he'd let this happen until his eyes found their way back to a shivering Hayley, "That's why," he sighed, immediately relaxing.

"AGAIN JOSHUA!" Isabella howled angrily. Michael shook his head and sighed "Thanks mate, we;d just managed to get her back to normal. Michael's eyes were tired and held black bags under each of them, "I'm sorry Mickey, Liam would've killed us all though if I hadn't of taken her. You know that." Everyone stiffened and fell silent at the mention of his name, remembering why they were all sent to Paris in the first place.  

"What exactly happened Josh?" Isabella asked, now safely wrapped in Micahel's arms. Joshua took a deep breath and began telling them what had happened. Talking to Hayley and how she could hear him, Lucus invading her home, Sarah running in then running out, Lucus injecting Hayley and finally Lucus' warning. "We need to contact Liam, he's the only one who will know how to cure her, I tried but I would've ended up the same if I had've continued." Joshua finished. The other's nodded their head in agreement "Who's going to do it?" Michael asked looking around and breaking the silence. "He won't be too happy we brought her into this 6 months early," Isabella voiced. "Well it was that or she went with Lucus, Joshua didn't really have a choice." Joseph finally spoke. 

'I'll do it," Joshua spoke up quietly, "I'ts my fault she's here with us, so I'll do it, but I will need you to talk me through it Mickey." Everyone agreed "I'll go get her some of your warm clothes Joshua since you're the smallest, even Isabella's got more muscle than you!" Michael joked, trying to lighten the mood and began walking off tugging Isabella with him. "And I'll go track down Sarah,' Joseph volunteered "Where is she Josh?" Joshua closed his eyes and his brows creased together. Joseph tapped his foot impatiently while he waited for Joshua to come back. "Sonic, it's a new night club a couple blocks away from her apartment." Joshua said suddenly "Try bring her back here, we need to make sure she forgets everything," Joshua said before Joseph ran off into the night.



so that's chapter 10 things are starting to heat up now! What does everyone think will happen?? Comment!!

Photo on the side is of the cabin they live in!

5 votes for the next chapter!! 

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AmbaBambaxo xoxo 

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