Gotta Run

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Running... That's all you could do at the moment. Faster and faster, your lungs burning like a fiery inferno. Your legs ached from using muscles that weren't normally put to this sort of strain.

'Damn.. I should've tried to go running more often, while NOT being in immediate peril,' you thought to yourself angrily, your sides heaving as you continued to run.

Why were you running again? Oh yeah... As of recent, you've been receiving...suggestive love letters from an anonymous source. They just started to suddenly appear, almost out of thing air, and in the most...interesting areas... Your bedroom door, inside your shower stall, on your pillow that's on your bed... Need more be said? It couldn't possibly be one of your crew mates on the Thousand Sunny, you'd have been able to figure it out by now if that were the case! You've spoken with both Nami and Robin about your "problem," and they were just as stumped as to who it could be. Nami, Robin, and yourself have discussed how all the other crew mates could NOT be your mysterious secret admirer.

Luffy is as dense as a brick and would NOT have been able to create such detailed notes, even if he had the patience to; 

Usopp is in love with Kaya, even if he wouldn't admit it out loud, so that rules him out; 

Sanji and Brook would be likely candidates, but Sanji's letters would probably look more like a school girls lovesick love letter, and Brook can't even do most of the things that have been described!  

Chopper is too innocent, and is a precious cinnamon roll, so he'd NEVER write such lewd things;

Franky spends most of his time working on Sunny, so I doubt he'd take the time to write love notes, and if he did, they'd all probably say "SUPER" somewhere on them;

Zoro focuses mostly on his training rather than on the opposite gender, plus he wouldn't be able to come up with even a quarter of what you've read, especially in such a suave way as most all of your letters have been in.

Suddenly a fallen tree trunk appears in front of you, causing you to crash right into it, since you were deep in thought and weren't paying attention. Your gut hurt so much from the impact, but you knew that every second counted, so you got back up and vaulted yourself over the giant trunk.

'At this rate I'll probably be half dead by the time I reach the others,' you thought wearily as you kept going, pushing yourself to your very limits, feeling like your legs would give out at any moment.

After anchoring at an unknown island that had a relaxing beach, perfect weather, and mild forest, you and the others decided to enjoy a fun-filled day. Everyone decided to stay on the beach and let loose before going deeper into the woods; you on the other hand could NOT wait to get to exploring!

So, after letting Nami know that you were gonna go towards the inner ground of the island, you started your trek. After some time, your leisure stroll turned into a silent creep as you had the distinct feeling of being watched.


A twig snapped behind you and that was all you needed for you to bust into a sprint and get away from whom ever it was.

Sure, you may have overreacted a bit, but it was a good thing that you did, because who ever it was that stepped on the twig started after you. Oh, but not just that.. They started to call out to you, in a creepy, melodic way that made red flags go up everywhere within your mind. They called your name with such sensuality and delight. Closer, closer, and closer still, the voice almost seemed to surround you as they cooed their wild fantasies out loud to you. Discerning the voice was impossible for you though, what with the blood pounding in your ear drums and how their voice sounded so...twisted. Even if it was one of your crew mates, you wouldn't have been able to tell, the voice that dripped from your pursuer sounded so wrong, so sick, perhaps even...grotesque.


You fell onto the ground after tripping over a root that stuck out from the ground. The sudden thought to look behind was strong yet terrifying, but you had to know. Despite your mind screaming out to you to not to, you looked behind you to see...


You tilted your head in confusion as you scanned the area you had just come from.

No one.

'Was...was it all just in my head..? No! No.. couldn't have been.. Right?' 

Questioning yourself, you tried to get up, only to have your arms and legs give out from beneath you. You breathed in and out shakily, your breath still coming out unevenly from all of your previous running. Limply, you just laid there, resting, unable to move.

"Well well, seems that you've finally tired out.. Though I wish that it was me who made you appear like this, under different circumstances of course, it's still quite the sight to behold..."

You freeze as you hear those words, the speaker lightly yet darkly chuckling after they spoke.

'That... That voice... It sounds familiar, and yet...'

Your thoughts cut off after you hear the tree above you rustling, a few leaves falling down, obscuring your vision slightly as you looked up.

"Oh _________~ Did you really think I would let you get away from me that easily? Especially when you gave me such a perfect opening to have you all to myself~ Tsk, tsk, tsk~"

As they "tsk'd," you looked at them. Eyes widening in shock, as well as slight terror due to the sinister look your pursuer was currently wearing, you just gaped. You couldn't believe your eyes at who it was.

"I.. I can't believe it... It was you? This whole time..?"

Staring menacingly into your own (e/c) orbs, was none other than...


Authors Note~

Who could it possibly be?! óOò Only you get to decide~

So, I'll go ahead and take requests for who you want to have be your stalker, but I will tell you this now... I do NOT do lemons. If you want one, I'll see if I can find someone to do them for me, or just have a friend do it. If neither option is available, and the demand high, I MIGHT think about writing the lemon myself, but if not, tough luck. :/ Also, requests may take me forever to do, cuz I just did this on a whim, knowing not where it would lead me, so yeah... >w<

And with that, I sincerely hope that you all enjoyed this.

Thank you for reading! ^-^)/

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