Please Read!

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Hey everyone, Masaru here and I'm here to tell you that I'm not dead. Yay!

Now, I know you've all been waiting for new parts and I'm really sorry I haven't gotten to them yet. I've been SUUUUPER busy with school and haven't found the time to. ;3;

Fret not though, for when the time is bestowed upon thyself I shall work on your requests!

So, here's the line-up that I will post in:

-Ace- (Done~)

-Sanji- (Also done~ :D)

-Crocodile- (A diddly done~ >w<)

-Mihawk- (Ba-BAM! Done~ ;3)

-Smoker- (HIYAH! DONE! XD)

(I'll do Shanks and Law after I've caught up on the New World :3)

For now, I won't take requests until I've completed the ones listed above.

Thanks for understanding everyone! ^-^)/

- Masaru Suzuka

Edit: When I finish the above people, I'll (try to) cross out there name so people know. ^^

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