Monkey D. Luffy

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 Staring menacingly into your own (e/c) orbs, was none other than... 

Monkey D. Luffy

You were incredibly shocked, to say the least...


"Shishishi, what? Something the matter," Luffy asked, smirking down at you, jumping down from the tree he was in. He crouched in front of you and poked your forehead.

"Heh, you're cute like this."

"Sh-shut up! How is it that you were the one who wrote those notes?!"

"Geez, you guys don't give me enough credit. I heard you, Nami, and Robin talking about the notes I wrote, and why you all thought it wasn't me. Pretty harsh stuff."

Luffy then grinned and chuckled, his signature straw hat covering his eyes a bit. Grabbing your arms, he lifted you up quickly, standing up and pulling you to his chest.

"So, that means I have to prove myself, right?"

"Oh no, no no no no NO! If what you're talking about is anything like those creepy letters, you can forget about it!"

"So what you're saying is that as long as it's not as crazy as the notes I made, you're into it? Awesome!"


Before you could finish your sentence, Luffy leaned his head down and captured your lips in his. Trapped in his embrace, you began flailing your arms around wildly, trying to break out. Luffy's lips were surprisingly soft, but very rubbery too, which felt weird. It felt like you were kissing a rubber ball almost, but this was more pleasant.

'Wait, WHAT?!  Okay, it does feel kinda nice, BUT STILL! I shouldn't be thinking about that!'

Flailing about with more conviction, you almost succeeded in tearing yourself away from Luffy, until he actually wrapped his arms around your form at least twice. Luffy pouted slightly as he looked down at you, obviously unhappy with the idea of you trying to flee from your captain.

"Hey, stop flailing around, it's hard to keep a hold on ya, not to mention kiss ya as well."

"That's kind of the idea Luffy! You never even asked if you could!"

"Well can I then?"

You blanched, freezing a bit at the sudden and nonchalant way Luffy asked.

"Why didn't you ask that BEFORE you kissed me?! Idiot!"

"Because I didn't think I'd need permission to kiss my girlfriend."

A shocked expression crossed your face. After fully registering what he had said, a few tick marks appeared on your head. Leave it to Luffy to decide that you were his girlfriend without even asking you to be.

"You can't just say that and expect me to go along with it Luffy! I'm NOT your GIRLFRIEND!"

"Nope, too late. I already decided that you're my girlfriend."

"LUFFY," you angrily bellowed, detesting this entire sequence of events. You began to struggle even more intensely, swinging your legs around and waving your arms about. Unfortunately, his arms seemed to only get tighter the more you struggled. Luffy frowned.

"Will you stop it? I wanna kiss you some more," Luffy whined as he hugged you closer to him, rubbing his cheek against you.

"No, I will NOT stop! You're absolutely insane!"

"Hey, that's not nice!"

Jumping back up into the tree, Luffy carried you to the highest branch that could support both of you. Unwrapping you carefully, Luffy then held you out, making you sweat drop.

"U-um... Luffy? What're you doing????"

"Say that you're my girlfriend."


"Say it, or I'll drop you."

"Y-You really are crazy! Put me down! This is ridiculous!"

"Say it."

Luffy's hands began to loosen their grip on you, making you slowly slip through his grasp.

'H-HE'S SERIOUS! NO! I'M TOO YOUNG TO DIE! But am I even interested enough in Luffy to wanna be his girlfriend..?'

Suddenly, you were falling to the ground, Luffy letting you go. Tears flowed from your eyes as you began screaming, the ground getting closer and closer.


And with that said, a rubber arm came down after you, wrapping itself around you and pulling you back up to its owner. You huffed as Luffy grinned and brought you into a hug.

"Yay! Now we can go tell the others and stuff! Shishishi!"

Luffy chuckled as he picked you up bridal style, jumping down and landing on the ground with ease. You were still kinda freaked out, so you clung to Luffy as he jumped. Luffy then kissed your forehead, making you blush slightly at the action.

"Heh, hey, no need to be scared, 'kay? I'll always catch you!"

"That was so cheesy Luffy, oh my god..."

Luffy laughed boisterously as he carried you back to the rest of the crew, ready to proclaim the news of you two 'dating' to everyone. Once again, he kissed you on the lips, running a hand through your hair as he kept hold of you, making sure you wouldn't fall. Since you two were 'dating' now, you thought that you might as well reciprocate his gesture, thus you kissed him back, wrapping your arms around him. Thrilled, Luffy kissed you more deeply, smiling into the kiss.

"You're mine, and I'll never let you leave my side. Ever."



Authors Note~

Finally got a request and it was LUFFY! Hooray..

Sorry if this isn't the best and all, but it was kinda hard for me to write this since I see Luffy more as a kid brother and stuff... So to try and write him for this in a romantic way was hard... Though I knew it'd happen, I didn't think it'd be this soon. XD

Anyways, I hope that you all enjoyed this, and please, make sure to REQUEST MORE!

Later~ ^-^)/

(p.s. If there's any errors, TELL ME. 0v0 )

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