Roronoa Zoro

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Staring menacingly into your own (e/c) orbs, was none other than... 

Roronoa Zoro

"H-how could it have been you?! No way could it have been you who wrote those letters! They're just so... So... NOT you," you yelped, unable to believe, to comprehend the thought of Zoro, the swordsman who swore to become the greatest of all swordsmen, being the one who sent you all those letters.

"Gee, thanks." He spoke somewhat sarcastically with a smirk tugging lightly at his lips.

"Perhaps you'd rather experience it then," he hummed, smirking fully now. Rapidly, you shook your head, breaking into a light sweat at the idea. Zoro then crouched down to your level, looking you straight in the eyes, almost spell-binding you.

"Was that a 'yes,' cuz I'm pretty sure it was," he vocalized your opposite reaction, reaching a hand towards one of your arms.


With the last bit of energy you had, you shoved him away, got up, and made a beeline to the Thousand Sunny. Of course this didn't last too long. You were stumbling too much from exhaustion, and your shove was barely even a light push to the swordsman, meaning he was able to collect himself quickly and stand up.

"I don't think so, sweetheart," he stated as he easily caught up to you and wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you towards him. You squeaked and started to squirm in his grasp, causing him to tighten his hold. You could feel his chest and stomach against your back, making you blush at the close contact.

"Heh, I saw that. I knew you had a soft spot for me," he grinned as he rubbed his cheek against yours, nipping your ear.

"EEEK! ZORO! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! STOP IT," you screeched as you started flailing about in his arms, trying to loosen his grip so you could escape.

"Stop what? I see no problem here. I'm laying claim to what's mine," he purred into your ear seductively, making you shudder from the way his hot breath fanned against your soft (s/c) skin. You kept up your struggle though, determined to free yourself from your captor.

'I can't believe this! I just can't! Is this guy even Zoro, or is it some impostor?! Ugh! This is too weird for me!'

Just as you were thinking this, Zoro began to trail kisses down your neck.  Feeling his chapped, yet soft lips against your neck caused you to writhe around even more, the foreign feeling making you turn crimson.

"Tch, will you quit it? I'm in the middle of something and your squirming is making it a bit difficult to do."

"That's the point, you.. You PERV!"

"Hey, I ain't nothing like that damned cook, so don't lower me to his level," he growled against your neck, nipping it roughly so that the message got across, in turn making you yelp in surprise and pain.

"O-OW! ZORO! That hurt! You jerk," you wailed, turning your head so you could glare at him.

"Sorry... But I had to teach you a lesson. One, from running away from me; two, from thrashing around so much; and three, from comparing me to Dart Brow," he mumbled against your skin, kissing the spot he nipped lightly. You growl, obviously displeased with him, and yet you couldn't help but somewhat enjoy his apologetic action. The soft, feathered kisses were sweet and even comforting against your neck, yet you could still sense the possessive intent behind them.

"T-that actually reminds me... How were you even able to not lose me in the forest? You're horrible sense of direction should've made you lose me within a few seconds! So how," you trailed off, still trying to figure it out within your own mind. Suddenly, you feel a wicked smirk spread against your skin, a dark chuckle paired with it, making you tremble.

"Didn't you learn anything from those letters? Like I would lose you that easily. You're my prey, and I have no intention on losing you. I will hunt you down to the ends of the Earth if you ever try to flee. You're mine to toy with, and if anyone so much as looks at you, I will not hesitate to cut each and every one of their limbs off."

Frozen, your blood chilled and you felt like how he described you: his prey. He was your hunter, tracking you down wherever you went, watching you from afar, keeping you puzzled. It was... Petrifying. You had no idea how to deal with this, how to deal with him. Suddenly, you were in the air. Zoro had lifted you above his head and was staring at you with so much intensity you thought he'd burn a hole through you.

"You belong to me and no one else. You're mine and mine alone, got it," he growled, narrowing his eyes as he continued to stare at you. You were trapped. You couldn't say no, you had no choice, you were his and that was something you just had to accept. Or, at least that's what his eyes told you, but you were stubborn, and you weren't going to give into him that simply.

"No," you stated, crossing your arms and glaring at him, matching his stare.

"Excuse me? You don't get a say in this!"

"Screw that! I'm my own person, my own mind, and I'll make my own decisions, thank you very much!"

He then placed you on the ground, carefully, he still cared for you and he didn't want to hurt you, in an un-pleasurable way that is. You couldn't see his eyes, they were shadowed over somehow, and this caused you to slightly regret your rebellious outburst, fearing that he might do something rash in retaliation. Zoro's hands were placed on your shoulders, gripping them with an iron fist, but not so much that you'd break a bone or something of the like.

"Z...Zoro," you quietly called to him. Noticing that he was shaking slightly, you uncrossed your arms and placed a hand on his forearm. You called to him again, but he continued to stay silent, that is until he threw his head back, bursting into a fit of laughter.

You blinked, utterly bewildered with this sudden change in Zoro. You were about to call his name yet again when he looked at you, grinning like the idiot he is.

"Heheh, that's why I love you! You're stubborn and won't give in without a fight. I was hoping you'd be like that. I mean, what fun would there be if you just caved in and went along with whatever I told you," he chuckled as you just stared at him.

"Heh, up we go," Zoro cheered as he lifted you up and placed you over his shoulder.

"GAH! ZORO! PUT ME DOWN! WHERE ARE YOU TAKING ME?! ANSWER ME DAMN IT!" You continue to scream this and other things similar to this as he carried you back to the Thousand Sunny, until you pointed out he was going the wrong way, of course... After he finally started on the correct path, he said one last thing;

"I'll earn your love, one way or another. I'll make you mine."



Author's Note~

Hey all! Since I've been in a writing mood, and no one's made a request, I decided to go ahead and upload a character for my Stalker!One Piece X Reader series! Yaaaaay~ 

As I'm sure you can tell now, you are able to request those of the Straw Hat crew. Just cuz I did a list about how they COULDN'T be Reader-chan's stalker, doesn't mean that they can't be.

Also, you've all probably have realized, through this chapter here, that Zoro is my favorite~ He's just so ohmuhguh~ >w<

And with that, I hope you've all enjoyed this, and make sure to request other characters too! 

^-^)/ I'm more than happy to continue this series, and if I get enough requests, I may also make separate stories to continue off from where each character ends.

Happy reading!

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