"Black Leg" Sanji

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Staring menacingly into your own (e/c) orbs, was none other than... 

"Black Leg" Sanji

Well, you wouldn't say that you were all that surprised.

"Seriously Sanji? I thought you were better than that," you shame the blonde as you got up slowly, patting the dirt off of your bottoms.

"You wound me my dear ______-twan with your cutting words."

Gracefully, Sanji leapt out of the tree and was by your side within seconds, playing it cool. You weren't too happy with the lack of space between the two of you, thus you attempted to distance yourself by scooting away only to be tripped by the same root that had tripped you earlier. Catching you with simple elegance and charm, Sanji twirled you around and brought you to him, your back to him. Your arms were crossed over you as he held your hands delicately. To be honest, that action alone made you blush, just with how well he had executed the motion and held you with the utmost care. You even dare say that it made your heart flutter and created butterflies in your stomach...

"Oh _______-twan~! Please allow me to show my love and devotion to you by reenacting all of the scenes I had painted through words and sent you~!"

Aaaand they're gone... Your face paled at the thought of him doing such things, as well as after seeing his face which had gone from cool and handsome to perverted and devious. His eyes had turned to hearts and a bit of drool dripped from his lips as he re-imagined all he had written to you, staring down at you. It ticked you off a bit, so you clung onto his fingers with an iron grip and twisted them a bit. Sanji snapped out of his lewd fantasies and retracted his hands, cradling them as he looked at you with teary eyes, you just simply glaring at him as you turned around to face him fully. Crossing your arms and tapping your foot, you just scowled at him while half-expecting him to apologize for his actions.


"Yes ______-twan~?"


"The sweetest guy you know? The perfect guy? Your soul mate?!"


The words echoed in the poor cook's ears as they pierced his heart, causing a cascade of tears to pour down his face. Falling onto his hands and knees, Sanji just hunched over the ground, crying so much that pools of tears began to form below him.

"B-but _______-twan... Why?"

"I honestly thought you were better than this Sanji, but apparently I was wrong. So VERY wrong," you stated in an annoyed tone, somewhat pitying the man before you. Just then, Sanji ceased his crying and the air around him changed into something much darker than his usual self. Slowly pulling himself up from the ground, Sanji began to slowly stroll over to you, his hands in his pockets and silent. Usually you wouldn't let his antics faze you, but this sudden change in attitude had you frozen to the spot.

"Ya know what, you're right. I am much better than this..."

The blonde man was now directly in front of you, his gaze lowered with his eyes shadowed over, making him appear quite intimidating, which was pretty unusual for the cook as he would never wish to strike fear into the heart of any woman. He lifted his head and fixed his eyes on you, and you could see that they had become more dark and intense. You began to back away slowly, but he followed at the same pace, eventually trapping you between himself and a tree.

"And so I must show you just how much better I am..."

Taking hold of your wrists, Sanji slowly raised them above your head, pinning them gently to the tree. You tried to break your wrists free, but even though he held them to the tree gently, his grip was still incredibly strong. You were starting to freak out a bit now, just with how he was staring into your eyes in such a fixed state, his lips inching towards yours as he began to close the distance between. His body was now firmly pressed against yours entirely, completely immobilizing you and making your cheeks flare up from the close proximity with your captor.

"S-Sanji..? What are you doing," you asked him quietly, your voice wavering as he rested his forehead against yours, enjoying the touch. Silence ensued as you waited for Sanji to either answer or do something else, but for a long while he was just still, pressing you against the tree and holding your wrists. When he finally did move, it caught you off guard and you jumped a little, looking up at him. He had taken his forehead off of yours, but then planted a firm yet sweet kiss on it. Feeling your cheeks become even more red, you just kept quiet, not really sure of what to do.

"My sweet _______-twan... Is it really so much to ask for your love? That's all I want and could ever wish for."

Quickly moving his face back down, Sanji took both of your wrists in one hand, using his other to lightly take hold of your chin and tilt it upwards. Before you could really register what he was doing, Sanji had his lips on yours and kissed you with so much passion and intensity that you became light-headed. Dazed by the kiss, you didn't notice when the cook released your wrists and brought his arm around you, pulling you closer to him. You also hadn't realized that you had started to kiss the blonde man in return, your arms slowly falling onto his shoulders after he had released them. To be honest, you couldn't help yourself; his lips were just so soft and melded perfectly with your own that it only felt right to return the gesture. After your lips parted with his, Sanji once again kissed your forehead endearingly, faintly smiling. Your choice was made, even though you weren't sure when you made it or if it was really you who had made it, but it was made; you'd give him a chance.

"Well... I.. I think I could give it a try... Sanji... Loving you that is," you blushed darkly as you breathed out those few words, instantly feeling the air around Sanji brighten and become more lighthearted.


Reverting back to his flamboyant love-cook self, Sanji picked you up bridal style and began spinning around. Both of you laughed happily as you clung onto him, not wanting to fall but enjoying the twirling altogether. Sanji then began to carry back to the Sunny, even though you kept telling him you could walk back yourself, he wouldn't take no for an answer.

"Even if I am starving, your love will be enough to keep me going..."



Author's Note

It sorta feels like towards the end he was a bit OOC, but than at the VERY end wasn't.... @w@'

Geh, I hope he didn't seem too OOC or anything... But hey, look! Another chapter done and done~! >w< Sanji certainly is an interesting guy, no? To be honest, I actually had some fun with this one, just because Sanji is so easily fun to write about with his whole "love-cook" bit. >w<

Anywho~ I hope that you all like it, and please, PLEASE do comment! (Especially if there are any errors... o3o)

Thanksies~ ^-^)/

(This is like 1200 words, but it still seems so short... What the heck?! o-O)

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