Buggy the Clown

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Staring menacingly into your own (e/c) orbs, was none other than... 

Buggy the Clown

To say that you never would have expected Buggy to be your stalker would have been the understatement of the year. All you could do was gape up at the odd man, stunned among other things.

"Gyahahahaha! What? Did my flashy appearance startle you," Buggy asked while smirking as he floated downwards, you just now noticing his feet being about a meter in front of you. He reconnected to his feet and placed his hands on his hips in a sort of haughty way as he looked at your fallen form.

"That damn Straw Hat has it too good you know; having you as a part of his flashy crew and all. That's just unfair!"

'Is he for real right now? He sounds like a kid...' you thought to yourself as you just looked at him like he was crazy, oh wait...

"So you're my stalker huh? The one who sent all those creepy notes? I'll be honest, I wasn't expecting you. With that said though, what the actual f**k Buggy? Don't you have anything better to do than to stalk after me?"

"Hey, anything that has to do with treasure I make my business. Until I have the treasure in my grasp I won't stop going after it."

You blinked a few times at Buggy. Last time you checked there was no treasure on the Sunny, nor did the crew, yourself included, have much funds left from the last island you all visited. What 'treasure' could Buggy possibly be talking about if all he's been doing that involved your crew was sending you creepy love letters that talked about how much he wanted to have you as his own, and how you were more flashy than any piece of gold or jewel that he's seen, or...


You facepalmed.

'Oh... He meant me.'

You than felt yourself being lifted off of the ground as Buggy hoisted you over his shoulder, laughing cheerfully as he made a run towards the other side of the island.

"Gyahahahahaha! Now that I got my treasure, it's time to make a flashy exit and ditch this dumb island!"

"Um, excuse you Big Nose, but no. You're not taking me anywhere," you shot as you just crossed your arms, finding this behavior to be absolutely UNACCEPTABLE!

"WHAT DID YOU SAY ABOUT MY NOSE," Buggy barked as he came to an abrupt halt, causing you to fall off of his shoulder.

"Ow... I SAID YOU HAVE A BIG NOSE! A SILLY, RED, BIG NOSE," you exclaimed as you glared at Buggy from the ground, slowly getting up. Buggy's face then began to turn very red in anger, almost matching his nose, but then he was suddenly sitting on the ground facing away from you. A gray-ish purple smoke floated around him as he sat there and poked at the ground.

"Y-you didn't have to go that far..."

'HE'S SULKING?!  AT A TIME LIKE THIS?! But... Oh shoot, I hate it when people get depressed like this...' you thought to yourself, feeling a little bad about making him be in such a state. You shook your head, trying to clear your thoughts. Why should you pity him after he's been sending all of those disturbing letters? Thinking it over, you just decide to try and make a sneaky getaway, tip toeing away from Buggy as quickly and quietly as you could.

"Hmm..? And where do you think YOU'RE going _____? Thought that you could flashily beat feet and ditch me? Gyahahahahaha, nice try, but it's not going to be that easy," Buggy mocked as he used his Chop Chop ability to send one of his hands flying over to you, grabbing the collar of your (f/c) top and lifting you off of your feet. He then strode over to you with a confident demeanor, smirking as you struggled to get his hand to drop you back onto the ground so you could flee from the arrogant pirate.

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