Sir Crocodile

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Staring menacingly into your own (e/c) orbs, was none other than... 

Sir Crocodile

You were indeed quite intimidated by the large man, especially since he had a large smirk plastered to his face. Shocked beyond belief at his appearance, all you could do was gawk at the former warlord as he shifted into his sand form, descended from the tree, and reformed in front of you. His smirk was still spread across his strong facial features as he chuckled darkly.

"My my, looks like I finally caught the little mouse. Heheheh," Crocodile sneered as he took your chin between his thumb and forefinger, tilting it up so you were looking straight into his condescending gaze. Frozen from mixed emotions telling you to do different things, you simply watched as Crocodile's eyes looked you up and down slowly, yet not quite lazily since they studied you with purpose. Without warning, Crocodile pulled your head closer, his lips just barely grazing yours. Snapping out of your paralyzed state, you squealed loudly and, using the root you tripped over as leverage, rolled away from him.

"Wh-wh-what do you think you're doing?!"

You glared at the man who had now stood up. He didn't answer, but continued to smirk down at you as he advanced towards you. Not really in the mood to find out what he was planning, you summoned what strength you had and began running through the trees again. It really was futile though, because no matter where you went or which way you turned he'd always be right there in front of you, smirking at your vain attempts to rid yourself of his dark presence. Making another turn, you ran smack dab into Crocodile's chest, whom of which immediately placed his hook around your neck.

"Did you really think you had a chance at getting away? I would have thought you'd be smarter than that, but I guess anyone would believe anything if they're desperate enough."

Gulping hard, you tried to still your shaky breaths as they swept across Crocodile's lips, causing him to grin even more widely, enjoying the tantalizing feeling. Backing you up against a tree, Crocodile leaned over you, placing his free arm against the tree to just barely keep his body from crushing yours. He thought he'd tease you a bit before he did anything, so he just kept his face a few centimeters above yours as he used his hook to tilt your head upwards. You blushed intensely at the situation, unable to get your eyes to break away from Crocodile's confident ones.

"You're wasting your talents on the Straw Hats. Work for me and I could help them flourish," Crocodile stated calmly, smirking as he was sure that you would accept his offer. Even if you didn't now, he knew you'd eventually accept. You glared at him, frowning deeply at the thought of working for such a man.

"Never! My friends told me about all of the things you've done! Why would I want to work for someone so cruel," you spat as he narrowed his eyes at you, his grin shrinking until it was no more than a scowl. It scared you, but you didn't regret your actions, and you most certainly were not going to give him the satisfaction of just giving in to him, no matter how much he intimidated you. Crocodile then decided to be a little more straight forward, thus allowing his body to press you against the tree fully, making you blush all the more. You could feel his strong, well formed muscles from under his suit, but you could sense his smirk even more as he had taken notice of your hands splayed over his chest and feeling his hard pectorals. You weren't gonna lie; he was pretty damn attractive, and with his well sculpted body, hot damn times two. Looking to the side, embarrassed by being pressed so tightly between Crocodile and the tree, you knew  he knew what you had just been thinking when he chuckled darkly and brought his face closer to yours.

"I can tell your mind is wavering, so how about a deal breaker then."

Before you could object, Crocodile had his lips locked with yours, crushing your body even more with his as he pushed harder against you. His lips were very rough, making you wince a little, but you couldn't help but think that it felt amazing, kinda liking how rough it was. Even though you did find yourself enjoying it, you had to remain strong and force yourself from reciprocating. Suddenly feeling something wet slide against your lips, you realized that Crocodile wanted to go farther with the kiss, but you stubbornly refused to give him entrance. Clenching your teeth, you hoped it'd be enough to keep him at bay, but sadly, it wasn't. Growling lowly from your refusal, Crocodile grabbed your jaw and forced your mouth open, not once taking his lips off of yours and instantly shoving his wet appendage into your mouth as soon as it was open. Your protests were muffled by Crocodile's lips, his tongue leaving no place left untouched and trying to get your own to mingle with his. Unable to take it anymore, you succumbed to his will and began kissing him back fervently, sliding your arms up and around his neck. By now Crocodile had removed his hook from your neck, allowing you to pull yourself closer to him as much as you could. The more heated the kiss became, the more you needed oxygen, which disappointingly was why the kiss had to be broken. You panted heavily as you clung to Crocodile, feeling his own hot breath against your lips as he grinned down at you devilishly.

"I assume you accept my offer," he stated, knowing full well that you weren't in the best state to make a decision, but you were nodding away, willingly acknowledging his words.

"Good. We can continue where we left off, soon."

Smirking, he picked you up and carried you in the opposite direction of where your old crew mates were and to an unknown destination.

"You can never escape me. Ever."




Huzzah! "Another one bites the dust!" XD ... I just realized that that quote is kinda punny... With Croco-boy more or less being made out of dust... XD

Anyways, yes, I am finally done with Croco-boy's chapter! Hooray! And also, yes, throughout the entire thing I wanted to refer to him as "Croco-boy", you can thank Iva for that. >w<

Either way, I hope you all enjoyed! ^-^)/ Thanksies~

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