Portgas D. Ace

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Staring menacingly into your own (e/c) orbs, was none other than... 

Portgas D. Ace


"Whoa there, there's no need to yell," Ace grinned as he spoke casually. Deciding to try and impress you, Ace back flipped out of the tree and landed a few feet in front of you, crouching to lessen the impact. He looked at you and smirked, still holding his hat in place from when he jumped.

"If that was supposed to impress me, it didn't," you stated flatly, glaring at the cute pirate.

"Aw come on, not even a little," he asked as he pouted slightly and stood up. You were now on your knees, energy returning to you slowly as Ace began to stride in your direction.

"Well, that's enough teasing I'd say. Time to get what I came for."

"Wha-" you were cut off by Ace picking you up and crushing your face into his chest, hugging you tightly.

"You've read all of my letters right? I made sure to put 'em right where you'd find 'em!"

"W-wait! You mean you weren't just chasing me for the fun of it?! You really are the creepy stalker that's been leaving perverted letters everywhere?!"

"Aw come on _______... 'Stalker' is such a strong word. I'd prefer 'lovable and loyal follower' instead," the freckled man chirped as he grinned down at you, hugging you closer and rubbing his forehead against yours as he chuckled.

"A-Ace! I c-can't breathe," you choked out, struggling to get out of his constricting embrace. What made it even more hard to breathe was being against the fire user's bare chest. He's hot enough as is but damn, did he look great without a shirt. Then there were his adorable freckles, which made him ten times more hot. Yes, you had to admit it; you were very much attracted to Ace, but like you were gonna give him the satisfaction of knowing. The whole letters thing kinda freaked you out, so you weren't sure about letting him know you had a thing for him...yet.

"Whoops, sorry," Ace said, only just barely loosening his hold so you could breathe. You're face was red from the lack of oxygen, as well as from previously mentioned hotness, and Ace took notice, a smirk spreading across his face.

"You seem a bit flustered _______... Could it possibly be from the fact that you ARE into me?"

A devious look appeared on Ace's face as he looked at you, wiggling his eyebrows and then pressing his face closer to yours as he impatiently awaited your response. Your face exploded into a dark blush from how close his lips were to yours, his breathe gliding across your lips as you gulped nervously. As he was just about to kiss you, you had managed to free one of your arms, thus placing your hand on his face and shoving it away from you.

"Damnit Ace, you can't just pull something like that and expect me to just roll with it!"

Ace peered down at you the best he could, since you still had your hand against his face, and he didn't seem too happy. In fact, he looked a little annoyed by the lack of your cooperation and lack of his lips on yours.

"And why not? Too hot?"

"Hot damn.. WAIT, I MEAN NO! Well yes, BUT NO! DAMNIT ACE JUST LET ME GO ALREADY," confusing your own self with your answer, you began to writhe about in his grasp like a mad woman, desperately trying to escape. You still had your hand to his face to keep him from kissing you, which Ace didn't like very much, so he decided to lick your hand which instantaneously got your attention. Immediately you retracted your arm and wiped your hand against your shirt.

"Ew! What the he-!!!!"

Before you could even finish your displeased yelp, Ace swooped in and caught your lips with his, holding your body close to his and running a hand through your hair.

'Oh glob. He's kissing me. ACE IS KISSING ME! Wow he has really soft lips, kinda like feathers, it's nice.. WAIT! NO! Come on ______, FOCUS! Who knows what this may lead to if you let him have his way... Ya gotta play hard to get!'

Agreeing with yourself, you summoned what energy you had left and broke away from Ace, determined to at least get some say in the matter. Ace was bewildered by the fact of you breaking out of his hold, pouting angrily with crossed arms.

"Why won't you let me love you," he whined, desiring to canoodle you again. You stared at him with slight disbelief and annoyance.

"Are you serious? Well, let me see. Maybe it has to do with the fact that you forcibly grabbed me and kissed me WITHOUT my consent! Not to mention those freaky notes you had put in the weirdest of places! I mean, seriously! Just because I'm extremely attracted to you and am into you does NOT mean you can just do whatever! I HAVE MY LIMITS."

"So you DO have a thing for me. Why not just be my girlfriend if that's the case," Ace queried, looking at you like that was the obvious answer to your problems. A few ticks marks appeared on your head as you just glared at him, thinking of many ways to hit him upside the head for his thoughtless remark.

"Ya know what, I'm done here," you say, turning on your heel and heading back towards your crew mates. A large hand then encircled your wrist and tugged you back. Apparently Ace wasn't going to let you go that easily.

"Forgive me, but I'm not going to let you just walk away, and I will NOT take no for an answer. Just be mine."

Ace once again pulled you into a tight hug, seizing your lips once more as he melded them to your own. To be honest, you were getting pretty tired; tired from the running, tired from Ace's persistence, and just tired for the sake of being tired.

'Ya know what? Screw it. He's never going to let me have a say, so I might as well make the most of it. Plus I want to take a nap so badly...'

With that in mind, you kissed Ace back, catching him a little off guard. Wrapping your arms around him you broke the kiss and looked up at him, smiling.

"Okay, you win. I'll be your girlfriend. But that also means I get to wear your hat," you announce as you take his hat and put it on. Grinning widely, Ace nodded and picked you up, twirling you around once or twice.

"Fine by me beautiful."

Giggling, you suggest to take a nap which Ace responds with falling asleep instantly while still standing. You roll your eyes and help him rest against a tree, cuddling close to him as you joined him in dreamland. Peeking from under an eyelid, Ace beamed as you slept peacefully against his side, enjoying a wonderful nap.

"You are the eternal flame that burns within my heart and I will never let you go out."



Author's Note

Woo~ Had some time and finally did Ace! :D Yay~

I don't know why but I just felt like this would be how he'd act in this sort of situation. >w< All adorable and lovey and blargh! X3

Sorry if he does seem OOC, I did my best ;w;

Also, bonus points to those who see that one reference in there (which I'd hope would be everyone)

Other than that, I hope you all like the story!

Enfoy~ (^-^)/

(Make sure to tell me if you see any errors OwO')

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