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Hello everyone!! I just remember that I'd typed this chapter down a long time ago and vola!! I checked my hard drive and here it is!! I hope you guys enjoy this as much as you enjoy reading To Intrigue a Cavelli.

Much love,



It has been three weeks since their volunteer work at the Pet shop. So far, the texts had evolved into phone calls and they had also started randomly meeting up just to go to a café and have coffee.

Currently, Esmae is in the hospital, going through her usual checkups. She just finished getting dressed after her MRI when her phone rings. She picks it up and looks at the caller id. Grimm's name is written along with the Grimm Reaper emoji.

She swipes the screen and the call is picked up. "Good afternoon, Grimm!" Esmae greets and the nurse looks at her with a sly expression and raises her brow. Esmae grins back and winks at her before making her way outside.

'Good afternoon, Esmae.' He greets back, his voice seems off.

"Do you have a cold or something Grimm, you sound weird." She says and he replies negatively.

'Are you free? Now?' He asks her and Esmae nods yes before realizing he couldn't see her.

"Yes." She says.

'Come meet me,' He tells her, his voice leaving no arguments as he tells her the location.


She's standing in front of an aquarium and Grimm greets her at the entrance. "You wanted to see the dolphins didn't you?" He asks her, there are tickets in his hand.

Esmae grins at him, her eyes shining. "You remember?" She seems pleased as she grabs the tickets from him.

"Thank you so much Grimm!" She hugs him on impulse and Grimm hesitates before patting her back gently. She lets go of him and drags him towards the entrance.

"This is amazing..." She whispers as she looks around like a little child. Pointing at all the fish and gently tapping the glass as well. She looks like a child in a fúcking candy store, Grimm realizes as he watches her stare wide eyed at a pufferfish.

The woman, despite how she behaved and acted, had everything all females of every species have─ atleast to the males of their respective species─ allure and a desirable body.

Esmae wasn't a woman he would call beautiful, he thinks as she discreetly snaps a picture of a fish with her Polaroid.

Esmae was at best, a pretty little thing. Slender and small-framed, small of feature as well. But for the eyes. They were dominant in that face of hers. A dark sinful chocolate when she was excited, happy, thankful. And a lighter shade when she was quiet pensive, in deep thought.

He had his own choice at great beauties in the whórehouse if he wanted, but none had ever appealed to him as much as the little naïve girl with the Polaroid did.

"Hey!" Esmae snaps him out of his thoughts as she waves at him, voice slightly echoing through the spacy interior, "Can we grab something to eat before we head to the dolphin show?" She asks and Grimm glares at her, for some reason she knows he wouldn't deny her request.

Saying no to her felt like kicking a puppy, which seemed stupid and a poor excuse considering the things he had done in his life; things that were way, way worse than hitting a fúcking puppy with his goddamned boot.

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