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Ohayo gozaimasu, minaa-san!! First of all, I'd like to inform you guys that I've opened a COMPETITION for covers for Towards Redemption! See the rules in the previous author's note OR in the CONTESTS book in my profile! Good luck! So far, I've only gotten 5 submissions!


Thanks @ugh-vodka again for the first submission! There's her banner up there! ^^

Dedicated to alasasabelxo for the comment that made my day! Mwaaaahhh!


"Hello Clementine." Vincenzo's silvery glaze is sharp as daggers as he stares at the swollen excuse of man. "Vincenzo..." Clementine smiles through bleeding lips, his beady eyes barely visible through the purple skin.

"You have something I want Clementine. And I can be ruthless in getting what I want." Vince runs a finger down the the length of the sleek black gun, the gesture is almost intimate. Clementine smirks despite the cold sweat covering his skin.

If Vincenzo is here, then it would only be a matter of time before The Ripper also arrives. And everyone knew that if you go up against Vincenzo's best bastard, you don't come back alive.

"Now, will you..." Vince's smile is sadistic. 

"Fúcking hell Moretilla! Don't fúcking touch me!" A shrill voice breaks out from the outside of the darkened room. A loud thud follows afterwards. Vincenzo stiffens for a moment in anger and Clementine doesn't bother to try and read through the mask the Boss was wearing-- no use wasting energy on such trivial things when you've got so little time to live.

There's the sound of a door opening and the thud of boots. Through the darkness, Grimm appears as though he was a Soul Reaper, Rosie reflecting off the little like in the room in an illusion of the tip of a scythe. His face his covered by a leather hood but Clementine knew what he'd see if the hood is removed. Dead eyes, cold, dead eyes. Eyes that have seen to the death of thousands, eyes that feel no remorse, show no hesitance as they target and cut down the next unlucky fúcker.

Standing side-by-side, Vincenzo Moretilla in his charcoal black suit and Grimm Ripper in his jeans and hoodie, gave off the vibes of the ultimate murders. They could do anything, and nothing could touch them. Neither had any weakness, Grimm was an orphan and Vince's family were equally formidable as him.

"Hello Clementine." The voice sent shivers down Clementine's back, had his hands been free from the restraints, they'd unconsciously go to the scar tissue running down the side of his face. A reminder of why he'd stayed in hiding as long as he did.

"Shall we have some fun?" Grimm asks, the next instant, a gun is fired. "You know where to find me." Vince says and adjust the cuffs of his coat, turning around and walking out without a backward glance. His expression is of perfect calm and control.

As the door clicks behind him, the echoing sounds of male agony and snapping bones goes silent. Vince's silver eyes narrow the moment they lay themselves on the figure sprawled on the ground. There was a trickle of blood from where she was obviously assaulted.

"Boss, the bítch came running," Haroldhim, "I was following my orders, no one but the Ripper was supposed to enter after you. She wouldn't listen." He says.

Vince doesn't reply, he bends down and gently scoops up the unconscious woman from the ground, her hand falls limply to her side as he does, the redness from where he'd previously tied her still remained on her skin. Vince frowns when he notices how pale she's become.

"Boss...?" Harold, seems confused, Vince barely refrains from blowing his man's brains out. "Thank you, Harold." He nods at the man, his perfectly sculptured face an impassive mask.

"I'll give you a piece of advise though," He pauses and Harold's eyes slightly widen when he sees the murderous glint in Vince's eyes. "I don't like others breaking my toys." Harold's eyes dark from Vince to the blonde in his arms. Although he was among the best men in Vince's organisation and a former FBI agent, he tries not to squirm under that powerful glaze. 

The Moretilla's had that effect.


"This was fun and all but I am getting bored of playing." Grimm says as he taps Rosie to his chin, Clementine trembles in front of him, the man had broke just over an hour ago when Grimm broke his 7th finger. Which was an impressive fleet in a way.

But by now, Clementine would be in so much pain that his brain will force him to tell Grimm what he needs.

"Don't keep me waiting Clementine, you've still got 13 fingers and more than a handful of bones that need breaking." Grimm laughs at the tortured look in his eyes. He was afraid of his life. 

Good, it meant they were finally getting somewhere.

"Did you or did not sell our security details over to the E'ngrandé?" Grimm snaps but Clementine sobs in answer, tired and annoyed as fúck, Grimm easily fires a bullet that slices through Clementine's left arm and hits the wall.

"I don't fúcking have the whole day!" 

"I didn't I swear I didn't. The only reason I hid away was because someone from the inside told me that Vince was planning to kill me off as soon as I finished the transfer! I had to hide!" Clementine shrieks and Grimm knows he is telling the truth. Clementine looked defeated, his eyes told Grimm that the man already decided he was going to die.

Which was fine since Grimm didn't plan on letting him life either. A quick shot to his temple served a quicker death for the man as his body landed on the cold ground with a sickening thud. Grimm doesn't remember the last time he'd killed off a person so swiftly.

Suddenly, Esmae's smiling face comes to his mind and he involuntarily curses himself for the moment of weakness and blocks everything out but the smell of fresh blood in the air. Turning around, He heads to Vince's office. 

Vincenzo wouldn't be happy, they had gone through a shítload of trouble over the past year to weasel out Clementine only to come out empty handed.

Fúcking fantastic.

Vincenzo is seated in his office as usual, but this time, there was no friendly idle chitchat. It was all strictly business. "Someone's already been send to clean up the place." Vince informs Grimm as he takes a puff from his cigar.

Grimm raises a brow, Vincenzo rarely smokes. He must have been having a really fúcked up day. Absently he wonders if Beth was giving him bullshit again. But doesn't say anything, it wasn't Grimm's fúcking business. It was up to Vince to decide he was fúcking. In such areas, the Boss didn't need anyone's opinion unless they have a death wish.

"I got nothing. Clementine spilled his organs. But till the end, the fúcker wasn't lying. He really had no hand in selling us off."


He thinks as he pulls his phone out when it vibrates out of pure instinct. There's a message from Esame.

From: Esame

When are you getting back? The wedding will start early, you need to be there.

I almost forgot, goodnight Grimm. :)

Closing the door of Vince's office behind him, Grimm turns off his phone and runs a hand through his hair.

He needed to get the dirt off him first. Too bad he can't wash his heart too. Because the darkness inside the fúcking thing was going to be the death of him, Grimm just knew it.

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