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What happened afterward went in a whirlwind of noises and flashbacks, for Grimm, everything was a blurr. His hands were trembling as he watched the people dressed in white roll Esmae into the emergency room. The whole hospital was filled with people, people who knew Esmae. Suddenly, Grimm needed to get out and away. He needed to get a hold of himself and there was only one way he knew how to.


Vince wasn't in the best of moods, Beth was being more of a bítch than she usually was and it was nearly driving him insane. The fúcking woman and his fúcked up attraction to her was driving him up the walls. For Vince, his escape was a good glass of alcohol.

Needless to say, he was not expecting the visit was Grimm as he poured himself a whiskey and drank deep. He only raised a brow as he took in Grimm's appearance.

"Vince, get me one. Now." Grimm looked wild and crazed, it was an expression that rarely appeared on the other man's face and Vince couldn't help but worry. But he knew this wasn't the best time to act on it.

"We've got someone in the cell's. The lead we had on Constantine led to him and I've been a bit preoccupied to get my hands dirty with him yet." Vince replies as he pressed a button on the intercom.

If he saw the scratch marks marring Vince's back and the bruised and busted lip he was having, Grimm didn't comment on it. It wasn't his business what the little hell cat Beth and Vincenzo did in their free time. But it didn't mean that Grimm would hesitate from shooting a bullet through the woman's head if the need comes.

Grimm turned and headed towards the exit when Vince called him again. "Grimm, are you sure you want to do this now?" He asked quietly, but there was no hint of concern in Vince's tone, just curiosity.

Grimm paused for a moment. Did he?


The constant beeping was what brought Esmae back to consciousness. It was driving her insane yet it was a noise she was well familiar with. The awful white surroundings that greeted her shot a sense of dread through her body as she slowly started remembering the events that had transpired earlier.

The moment Janice saw that she was awake, the woman burst into another fit of tears as she hugged her husband, both still in their wedding attire. "You nearly scared the life out of me!" Jacob says as the room gradually starts to get crowded with more and more people.

The twang of disappointment that went through her when she realized that Grimm was not among the mass of people was something Esmae did not understand.

"Did you inform my Papa yet?" Esmae asks as she tries to sit up. "In the midst of chaos, we seemed to have forgotten all about it. But don't worry, the doctor says you are fine, at least for now. She blames it on fatigue and the avoidance of medication. You haven't been taking your pills regularly have you?" Jacob asks as he consoles his wife.

Esmae shakes her head, her pills had run out and she had completely forgotten to buy new ones in the excitement of planning the wedding. "Your lungs nearly collapsed. You weren't breathing." Janice whispers.

"And I have never seen Grimm look so stricken or pale." Janice adds with a watery smile. Esmae tries to force down her reaction. "You need to rest," Jacob tells her as he sits down on the chair next to the bed and gently takes her hand. "You really shouldn't force yourself too much, honey." Janice agrees and Esmae takes in the all too familiar room, the beeping machines and the tubes connecting her to them. They bring a strong sense of déjà vu.

Suddenly, Esmae feels a pressing need to cry at the unfairness of her situation. She wanted to live, more than countless individuals her age who were blindly throwing away their healthy lives, Esmae wanted to see the world, she wanted to get married, have kids and watch them grow up. She wanted to get soaked in the warm sun of the Maldives while walking down its sandy beaching and judge if the infamous beaches live up to their description on the net. She had wanted to see the brilliance of the Eiffel Tower while enjoying the richness of French cuisine. Esmae wanted to live, so much, more than anything she had ever wanted.

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