19.| Making Moves |

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The call came at 3am in the morning and Grimm had been having one of his insomniac episodes. The ringtone didn't have to be familiar for him to realise that it was Vince calling him. What he didn't expect was the slightly breathless voice of his boss to come through.  Now it wasn't much of a surprise for a regular human to sound slightly breathless on the phone, but this was Vince and the very fact that the man was  as he was on the phone was an indication that something indeed was fúcked on Vince's end of the line.

'She's gone.' Vince tells him and the first name that pops into Grimm's mind is Esmae's. But then again, Vince had no idea that Esmae existed as the boss probably didn't think to keep tabs on Grimm in that aspect.

"Who is gone?" Grimm asks as he glances sharply at the sleeping kitten on the sofa, the thing yawns slightly in its sleep before it settles down again.

'My Bella! That's fúcking who! Some moron thought it would be a good idea to steal her off right under my nose. I need you to take him into the Room.' Vince sounds murderous. 

'I've got Charlie tailing them now. He says he'll have a lead in two minutes,' Knowing him, Vince probably threatened to blow off the kid's brains in two minutes if he didn't give him what he wanted.

"I'm on my way." Grimm says as he gets up and checks if Rosie has enough bullets before he is walking out into the night. 


Vince was dressed in a rumpled dress shirt, there were dried blood stains on them, Grimm notices that his right hand was bruised and slightly bleeding as though he had punched someone on the mouth (or possibly had a fight with a fúcking wall).

He was also smoking up a storm, which was something the boss did rarely. Charlie was a small little shít, probably in this twenties, a thin frail looking kid barely an adult. He still had pimples on his face and barely had any hair on his mousy face. He was also slightly roughened up.

When the kid informs them the location, Vince is the first one out the door, Carlos is silent as he follows his boss out. The security around Vince was tight, all of the men wearing expressionless masks and Vince seemed to be vibrating with rage. Grimm wonders why Vince brought him there in the first place, it wasn't as though he was low on supply of henchmen.


Watching Vince gently kneel inside the dirty room which smelled like rotten shít and dried blood. Grimm doesn't say a word. Vince coos at the woman dressed in worn out and torn version of a dress that must have looked stunning once. The little blonde was shaking and shivering as she cowered in the corner of the dirty room, right next to the bed that looked like it was going to fall apart. The light bulb flashed on and off in every few minutes.

The blonde rocks herself back and forth constantly as she mutters incoherently about dirty hands, she stops her rocking only to frantically wipe at her arms and legs. Grimm had never seen such an expression of Vincenzo's face, ever.

"Bella, dove," He reaches out and the girl stiffens, it doesn't take a genius to figure out that she had been raped, countless times over the nine hours it had taken for them to find and secure her. "It's okay baby. I'm hear. And I'll make sure those fúcking bastards pay." Vince is patient as he waits for her to grab his out stretched hand. She doesn't but throws herself at him the instant recognition flares in her eyes, she sobs his name in broken sounds and Vince rocks them both slightly as he holds the woman to him as though she meant the world to him.

And considering how he had almost lost her in the past few hours of first arriving there, Grimm didn't blame him. But seeing the obvious display of weakness and affection was unnerving. Grimm looks away. Vince gets up, his clothes are more soiled than before but the man doesn't mind, he cradles the unconscious woman to his chest as he makes his way past the dead bodies lying on the ground.

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