17. | Fireworks |

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When Matthew finally gets the hint and makes himself scarce to allow his daughter and Grimm to catch up, Esmae doesn't realize how much she wanted to talk to Grimm, just the two of them until her father actually left.

But when the opportunity came, neither spoke for a a few awkward seconds. "Did you get my texts?" Esmae asks tentatively and Grimm scoffs. "Ofcourse I fucking did. You aren't on my reject list." He says and Esmae frowns. "I forgot you swore too much." She grumbles and Grimm decides not to reply.

"How are you? The reports?" Grimm asks, he doesn't know where the hesitation came from. "Fine. I'll probably be released this evening or tomorrow morning," She says, "But even if they want me to stay longer, I'll discharge myself." She adds and Grimm just stares at her for a moment. 

"Ofcourse you would. Crazy woman." He says and Esmae doesn't seem to hear.


It turns out, Esmae wasn't released that evening, but the following morning when the nurse gave her the news that she was being discharged, Esmae decided that those words were the best news she had heard in the longest while. Grimm had stayed over the previous day until it was dark outside and had quietly bid his goodbye, he didn't bother telling her in person whether he was visiting or not, but Esmae had a feeling he would.

In fact, Grimm was among the first people she saw that morning. He came empty handed this time, but Esmae didn't mind, just his presence was enough for her. Matthew had wanted badly to stay back, but his work was pending and he simply couldn't push it back any longer. Her father had made her promise to call him in case anything happened and even gave Grimm his number before he left.

Esmae and Grimm parted ways after he promised in his own way to let her know he was fine, which was a I'll keep the goddamned phone on alert.

Esmae stares out the window as she passes by the different shops when a particular one catches her eye, a sudden idea has her sitting upright on her seat and calling for Matthew to make a pit stop.


It took a while but Esmae finally managed to gather everything she needed. It was a tough task and all she wanted to do was grab everything in the store and go home. But something made her hesitant as she figured Grimm might not have the patience for too much of them.

When she finally kissed her Papa goodbye and bounded up into her room, Esmae felt relieved and crossed her fingers tightly, she really hoped Grimm would like what she had gotten him


Esmae is going through her wish list when her phone vibrates and alerts her to a message. She takes her time in opening it and just as she flips through the page where she had pasted pictures of when she and Grimm had gotten to the aquarium, it vibrates again.

To: Esmae

From: Grimm

Fucking reply, you goddamned woman!

Esmae blinks at the text and bursts out laughing. Grimm was so impatient at times. She opens the first text and a wide smile transforms her entire face when she reads what he had written.

To: Esmae

From: Grimm

Meet me at eight, sharp. Or I'm goddamned leaving.

Dress warm.

It was curt and just like him. And with is usual flare of curse words. He had forgot to mention the place where they were meeting. But before she can react to it, she gets another message.

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