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It seems I am always coming up with excuses as to why I am not updating. I've been busy with a survey that required us to visit homes and inquire about their electricity usage and energy efficiency in their households. Through that I've also managed to get my first earnings. 

Terribly sorry for the wait. And also, check out my twitter account @ceethespinster I've got Christmas surprises for you Towards Redemption fans!




Grimm storms into the Moretilla compound and is greeted by the chaos that was ensuing inside the grand and normally quiet mansion. True to what Beth had screamed out, Vince's expensive Egyptian carpet with an impressive thread count was indeed utterly ruined. Drew was already patched up and the Italians belonging to Drew's section of the family business crowded around him.

Vince stood next to his brother, Drew Morettila was resting, the smell of antiseptic was strong in the infirmary. The younger Morettila's chest was bandaged, and he appeared to be dead if it weren't for the steady beeping of the monitors attached to him, overseeing his heartbeat and other essentials.

Vince ignores the Italians that belonged to Drew's part of the family business and looks at Vince for an explanation. Although his boss seemed calm, there was a storm brewing in his silver eyes, if there was anything the Morettila's valued more than power, it was family. And whoever shot Drew was going to die a painful death─ Vincezo would make sure of it.

"He's stable," Vincenzo says as he steps out of the room, "Just barely. He was shot with the aim to kill, but Carsto managed to jostle the shooter just enough for the bullet to miss its mark by a few inches." Vince nods at the huge African male standing by Drew's bed like a statue.

"Who was it?" Grimm snarls and Vincenzo regards Grimm with a glaze of cool steel. "Based on the description my brother's men gave and Drew's own word," Vince's silver glaze becomes colder, "It was Pete."

Grimm curses out loud and storms away, Vincenzo doesn't follow, he knows Grimm needed a moment to comprehend the fact that his closest friend was alive before he can join Vincenzo in hunting Pete down.


Vince spends a few more hours talking to the doctors in charge of the younger Morettila's care before he heads towards the Western wing where his room was located.

He doesn't bother acknowledging the men posted outside his private residence and walks right in. Vince's room is a penthouse on its own, equipped with a living room, a balcony with bulletproof walls overlooking the his private gardens, an impressive bathroom and a master bedroom capable of fulfilling any woman's fantasy with its extensive amount of sex toys.

Vince strips off his suit, undoes the cuff links and unbuttons his shirt as he makes his way towards the bedroom. He doesn't bother to turn on the lights as he closed the door with a click and throws his white button up behind him as he does. On his bed, eagle spread and tied to his bedposts with just a slip of clothing on was Beth. Her lips pull back into a snarl despite the obvious desire in her eyes as he rakes her eyes up his figure.

They both bask in the silence, just eyeing each other despite the darkness in the room. "He's stabilized." Vince is the first to speak and Beth's shoulders visibly relax. "But barely." Beth whispers the words Vince left out. The crime lord doesn't reply, deftly his fingers undo the button of his pants and he wastes no time crawling up her body and claiming her lips in a rough kiss. There was nothing gentle about it, he was there to find release, his weapon of choice was sex.

And as Vince slides into her body, Beth winces at the rough intrusion but can't find it in her to resist the harsh tempo he sets nor can she stop the whimper and pleas for more that slip out. She was just as doomed as he was.


While Vince finds his comfort inside a woman, Grimm opts for a more brutal and harsh method. He screams, curses and growls as he attacks the dummy in the shooting range. Rosie is fired in quick precision, some of the bullets meeting the target while others go wild in Grimm's rage induced frenzy. There are 12 clips of ammo on a table in front of him and he changes them with practiced ease. His hands are already bleeding from his deadly dance with the boxing bag.

Grimm pay any mind to the crowd that was silently watching him, the men look at him through eyes that convey both fear and admiration. But everyone knew that there was a storm coming─ it would be all out war soon.


I must have started a trend in keeping this so short. Sorry to disappoint all yous who were looking for some Grismae moments, but that'll have to wait. 

Remember to check out my twitter account @ceethespinster!

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