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If my mum knew what I am doing instead of learning for the exams tomorrow (Biology and Economics) she'd throw my laptop in the sewer, smash my tablet and burn all my books before grounding me for the major part of this semester. 






If you ask me why I wrote all those hashtags, I probably would laugh in your face and reply very seriously afterwards "I have no idea" before bursting out laughing.

Don't worry, you aren't the only ones who thought me crazy as Bugs Bunny with carrots. Oh and whoever's got 'cookie monster'  in their user name, freaking awesome choice!


Grimm has never worn a tux in his whole fúcking existence. Not. Even. Once. The reasons varied. One was that his fúcked up family never had enough money to buy one and the other was that Grimm didn't want to be compared to a waddling bird.

 One was that his fúcked up family never had enough money to buy one and the other was that Grimm didn't want to be compared to a waddling bird

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He had been proud of the fact. Had been. Atleast until he'd seen Esmae dressed in a fluffy pink skirt and a white top that made his glaze wander straight to her cleavage. Her legs were exposed as well, Grimm found that he liked her legs, in fact he was liking the whole getup until he heard her mention 'Grimm' and 'tux' in the same sentence.

"Huh?" Grimm manages to ask her and Esmae turns towards him with a disapproving frown, he tries not to squirm, he didn't like seeing that expression on her face. It pissed him off that he felt uncomfortable. Esmae leans forward and smiles dazzlingly at him. He notices that she still had that hideous brown bag with her, only this time, it was at her side rather than over her breasts.

"You can't be the best man wearing that," She tells him, Grimm frowns, there was no fúcking way she was getting him to agree to this

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"You can't be the best man wearing that," She tells him, Grimm frowns, there was no fúcking way she was getting him to agree to this. He wasn't wearing a fúcking tux. Not even if she pouts like a puppy who just got kicked.

"Not that I like your clothes, I think you're quite handsome in your usual clothes, in fact, you'll look good in just about anything!" Esmae mumbles and Grimm smirks as she blushes red after realizing what she'd said. "Anyway, about the tux." She trails off and bites her lip while looking straight up into his eyes.

Grimm's smirk drops almost at once. Fúcking hell he wasn't agreeing to this...


"I, Jacob Ruben , take you Janice Felton, to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do us part." Jacob slides the gold bang easily onto Janice's left ring finger. Janice manages to hold in her tears and smile brightly through them. 

Esmae, however was a different case, she was quietly sobbing, having gotten a bit dizzy, she'd sat down in the middle of the ceremony wiping her tears silently with a tissue. Grimm stood next to her, a foreboding figure, intimidating especially with the open collar white shirt thrown under the dark suit and jeans he was wearing.

Esmae had tried with vain to get Grimm into the tux she'd lent just for him, in the end, they had both come to a compromise which lead them to where they currently were. Grimm was like some sort of exotic bodyguard with the tattoos peaking out from the open collar of his shirt. He was attracting a lot of female attention.

"You may kiss the bride," Said the priest and Esmae shot up with new found energy and clapped, whistled and hollered fervently. Grimm just frowned beside at her and tugged uncomfortably at his coat, it was getting hot and the last thing Grimm wanted was to turn out as a fúcking roasted penguin. When the cake was cut and everyone rushed over for pictures, Esmae wordlessly dragged Grimm with her. He was too fascinated with the warmth Esmae gave off from where they'd touched to bother protesting at all.

"Mister? Could you smile a little?" The photographer asks as he tries to take a picture of Esmae and Grimm together. In response, Grimm's frown darkens and the photographer's eyes widen with nervousness.

"Or not." He mumbles. Fúcking hell, these morons have made me into a fúcking posing pony! Grimm thinks as Esmae drags him yet again into another picture. He blinked the moment lights flashed. He hated those fúcking things. He couldn't stand them, Grimm wonders how Vince survives under it nearly every event the bastard attends--which is everything.

Somehow, when Esmae leaves his hand, Grimm panics, before he knows it, he's pushing and shoving through the crowds to get to her but it is while before he find the little woman with the hideous brown bag. "Grimm?" She whispers when she sees him, "I just went to the washroom."She says and raises a hand to her head.

Suddenly, Grimm notices how pale she'd suddenly become. "Hey...Grimm?" She whispers, "I don't feel very good." Esmae doesn't give him a chance to reply as she collapses into his arms with a heavy sigh.

Esmae feels heavy and awfully cold to touch, it reminded him of all the dead bodies he'd shoved. Nearly delirious for a reason he didn't know, Grimm shakes Esmae twice before squeezing her cheeks together with his fingers in an attempt to wake her up.

She's unresponsive. Suddenly, Grimm remembers what Janice said the first time they'd met.

 She doesn't have much time before her condition becomes worse and she goes. Janice had said. Grimm felt as though someone was squeezing his own chest, his goddamned heart. Did he even have one? A heart?

"Esmae fúcking collapsed!!" Rings out through the happy atmosphere, it's louder than the music, louder than the laughter, the mummers of people. It was an anguished cry, filled with panic. It was all it took for everyone to rush forward and for once in his life, Grimm doesn't retreat into the shadows, not without Esmae.

"She isn't breathing!" Jacobs voice is loud and Grimm's eyes widen. That moment, Grimm realized something. He didn't need a heart, Esmae's would beat enough for both of them. But she was dead, she wasn't breathing.

Goddamn it! She isn't breathing! Call the ambulance! 


Yo! Hehe, don't you all love cliffhangers? Bad news: I won't be updating for a while cause of exams over my head and severe case of insomnia. It's 03:14 here and I've got to wake up at 4:00. Good night people! I hope to see lots of comments when I wake up!

Sleeping Beauty~Out~!!

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