17.5 | Grimm and the Queer Creature |

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When Grimm wakes up the following morning, he barely restraints from jumping out of the couch in fright. Usually, when he wakes up, the whole apartment is dark and the only light came from a digital clock he had on the wall. But this time, he woke up staring straight into glowing green eyes. He bites out a startled curse and hisses along with his new roommate.

The fucking cat. He'd forgotten about it. The goddamn thing had scratched him on the cheek when he had jerked awake and was glaring at him from the foot of the couch that also served as Grimm's bed. The fucking thing was as confusing as the one who'd gifted it.

Grimm had been referring to the small black cat as it since he'd gotten to his apartment and had yet to think of a name for it. He'd placed the ball of fur on the floor and stared at the kitten for a good five minutes with the cat licking itself whilst keeping an eye on Grimm. Grimm had thought of calling the cat Fluff and when he voiced out this thoughts, the fucking kitten had actually spit at him, as thought it found the name outrageous. Grimm was so freaked out that he had outright left the task incomplete.

"What the fuck do you want?" Grimm growls at the kitten as he reaches behind him to get the remote to open the window blinds. The kitten stares at him for a moment before jumping off the couch and landing silently on the floor. It pads over to the rug Grimm had gotten from Vince as a housewarming gift and stretches. Once it is done, it looks at Grimm and waits patiently, as though expecting something.

Grimm doesn't make a move to get up and the kitten yowls loudly. "I swear, you are the creepiest cat I've seen." Grimm mutters. The kitten pads over to where Grimm had kept the bag Esmae had given him the night before and nudges it with it's nose. Grimm blinks twice before standing up and going over to the bag. The kitten moves out of the way and Grimm unzips it.

There are things ranging from simple toys to bowls for food and the food itself. And everything had a note stuck to it, with Esmae unmistakable handwriting. The kitten meows again and Grimm sighs. "Quit the fucking noise. I'm getting you food." He says.

A few minutes later, Grimm's kitten is licking away at the bowl of milk, seemingly quite pleased with itself and Grimm watches the queer creature with slight fascination. 

When Grimm's phones pings to signal a text message, Grimm has brushed showered and had his breakfast, the kitten was perched on his couch and was swatting at Grimm's hair as he sat on the floor. Bloody menace. Grimm thinks as he opens the text message. 

To: Grimm

From: Esmae

Good morning! How the kitten? 

Grimm grabs the kitten by the scruff of it's neck and gently drops it to the floor. The kitten is startled and lets out a hiss before darting under the couch. Grimm stares at the place it darted in for a moment before he scoffs. Grimm had just gotten a great name for the thing. 


A few hours later, Grimm exits the Pet Shop with the documents Esmae had provided. All he had to do was sign them and hand them over to Lizzy and her father for a quick verification. He also had picked out a band for the collar and Lizzy asked him to come to get it in two days. The band was simple, it was dark green in color with black outlines.

When Grimm opens the door to his apartment, he was half expecting the cat to hiss out in greeting but he wasn't expecting to see it scurry towards him and rub itself around his leg. Grimm was pleasantly surprised and bends downs to scratch it behind the ears. Maybe it wasn't such a fucking ass. Only the kitten hissed and swiped at Grimm's hand before darting away.

Or maybe not.


Two days later, Grimm comes home with a small brown paper bag. And as usual, his kitten was waiting for him, Grimm lets it rub against his legs and doesn't bother to lean down to scratch it as the little bastard had tried without fail to swipe at him every time he did it.

Grimm sits down next to the couch and waits until the black ball of fuzz makes its way to him. Curiosity killed the cat. Grimm opens the bag and pulls out the collar he'd selected. It held a small steel circle attached to it, the piece of metal reflected the light and the name Menace was engraved on the front in simple font. Behind it were Grimm's details in case his kitten were to run off. "Get your fucking ass here." Grimm growls as he cautiously grabs the cat. The kitten is too enticed by the shiny collar to take much notice. 

But the kitten, now officially named Menace fought tooth and nail when Grimm tried to get the collar on him. It took a while and a fuck load of scratches and bites, but the collar was finally on, and snug enough not to get pulled off and not tight enough to hurt it. Menace meowed a few times and swiped at the collar before darting under the couch to lick his wounds.

'Fucking cat.' Grimm thinks despite the smirk of pure satisfaction on his face. Grimm is disinfecting his wounds when he receives a message from Esmae.

From: Esmae

To: Grimm

Good evening! Hope you are free. I have another thing I want to check of my list. Are you free tonight around eight?

Grimm doesn't hesitate to reply with a curt yes and his phone pings almost immediately.

From: Esm\\\\\

To: Grimm

Great! I've made arrangement. Meet me at Vineyard Cafe at 7:45 pm. Don't be late. ^~^ 

She'd even inserted a cat face at the end. Grimm scoffs. Esmae was such a loon sometimes.


I had so much fun writing this chapter! It is so like Grimm to name his cute kitten such a rough name. But it suits it don't you guys think.

Also, Grimm lives in a huge apartment complex, on the floor directly below the penthouse suite. He doesn't have any neighbors and no one bothers to talk to him as he gives of a leave-me-the-fuck-alone vibe. His apartment consists on a fully equipped and functional kitchen that has only one of each utensils (one plate, one spoon i.e), a fridge, a couch that Grimm uses as a bed, a small glass table, a potted plant (from Pete) and a Persian rug (from Vince). The living area overlooks the city and gives a grand view of the city. Grimm almost never opens the bedroom and has a few boxes he hadn't gotten around unpacking laying around. Vince owns the building.

P.S even I have no idea what Grimm has in the boxes in the bedroom. 

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