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Hi everyone! Exams just finished and unfortunately, my laptop broke. I swear, its one problem after another! Anyway, please pray for great results! Follow me on twitter and use the hashtag #Grismae as the official Grimm and Esmae ship! Here's your update.
Cee. 💕
In all honestly, Grimm had no intention of leaving Esmae, he had developed an irrational fear that she'd someone slip through his grasp without him being there with her. But when Vincenzo called, no one was allowed to ignore him, not even Grimm.
Muttering profanities under his breath, Grimm briefly meets the eye of a panting and clearly distraught man by the counter.
He dialed Vince's number and half growls into the speaker, "What the fúck is wrong?"
Matthew reaches the counter and managed to compose himself enough to ask Sara, who was obviously taking the night-shift at the desk, the direction to Esmae's room. "Down the hall, take the elevator to the 5th floor and turn right, hers is the 12th from the left, room 54." She tells him. Matthew manages to thank her and glances up to meet the cold and nearly dead obsidian eyes of a man as he passes by in a rush towards the elevator leading him to his beloved daughter.

As Matthew opened the door to the room where Esmae was admitted to, he is rather glad that the staff knew him well enough to disregard a few rules when it came to visitation and after-hours. He manages to peek at the small white board attached to the door to make sure that the patient waiting (probably sleeping) inside was indeed Esmae Warner.

"Papa!" Esmae's surprised but affectionate greeting as the bulky man flushing with pleasure despite his obvious panic. "Peanut," Matthew signs with relief and bends down a baffling amount to carefully gather his daughter into his arms for a warm hug. Esmae melts into the protective embrace.

"You scared 50 off my life span." Matthew chuckles as he tries in vain to discreetly sniff back the tears that had gathered into his eyes, the last thing he needed was to cry in front of Esmae and have her joining him.

"What happened?" Papa Matthew asks once both he and Esmae finally separate.

Esmae quickly does a once-over of her poor distraught Papa and notes that he looks like he came straight from his meeting, this tie and once sleek, wrinkle-free suit and all. She suddenly feels guilty, she never really liked being sick and worrying her Papa.

"I just collapsed, there was some fluid buildup in my lungs and they temporarily stopped working, the nurses gave me some anti-biotics and are keeping an eye on me for a few days just in case something happens." She tells him, carefully leaving out the part where she got so busy with wedding preparations that she forgot her meds and Matthew takes a deep breath and lets the words slowly digest.

"Ok, you're fine," Matthew says, "You're going to be just fine." For her or for himself, Matthew doesn't know. He was terrified of losing his daughter to some disease just as he lost his wife. Esmae engages her father in idle chitchat as she tells him about Janice and Jacob's wedding as she sees the dark shadow that passes over her Papa's eyes. He responds to her jokes and soon, she is falling asleep and Matthew looks at her with pure adoration. Esmae truly was his greatest gift.

Although he does spot the bouquet of sunflowers Esmae'd placed away from the rest of the flowery clutter by her bed and a slight frown fits across Matthew's face. His eyes shift from the flowers to a sleeping Esmae and his expression looks stricken.


"What the fúck is wrong?" Grimm snarls into the phone. Vince doesn't reply for a few seconds and it has Grimm raising his eyes in surprise. "Drew's here," He finally says, Drew is Vince's younger brother who operated in Italy and as the most ruthless and stoic of all the brothers, Drew rarely came for visits. "He's shot. And you won't believe who he's claiming as the shooter." Vince says and Grimm hears Beth screeching in the background. "Fúcking hell! Vincenzo, the guy is bleeding on your Egyptian carpet!"

"Shít!" Grimm hisses, already darting out the door into the nearly empty road, "I'm on my way." He growls and shoves the phone back into his pockets.

He had family to get to. And an unfortunate fúcker to maim.


Half way through writing this, I realized I forget Grimm's eye color and stuff and had to re-read the whole story again to get my focus back into it! I am so out of shape! It's short but I got what I wanted in here. 

Quick question, who do you guys think shot Drew?

P.S the chapter is dedicated to @Chanel_Tomilson_1D for coming up with the shipname! :)

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