Curiosity Killed The Keahi

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~~5 years earlier~~
The sun beat heavily down onto the shimmery stone slabs of Trafalgar Square in London. Adorned with bright, vintage-style bunting, the buildings stood out against their drab surroundings. The square itself was buzzing with life as crowds of tourists flitted around from stall to stall of the summer fête that was taking place.
Two teenage girls stood in the centre of the crafts section, fantasising over some homemade jewellery.
"Wow! This stuff is awesome!" The shorter of the two said. She was wearing a pale green summer dress with cork wedge heeled sandals, along with her long brunette hair which was tipped with golden honey blonde.
"I know! I love how the sterling silver compliments the calming aqua tones of the seaglass!" The second girl remarked. She was of moderate height with long, wavy white-blonde hair wearing a teal vest top accompanied by a pea-green lengthy skirt.
"You know what...I could really do with a snack! Hey could you grab me a hot dog or something?" The green dressed girl asked.
"Sure! I'll head back over to the food quarter and grab us some of those yummy looking veggie snackboxes," The tall one agreed, "I'll be back here in a few minutes. Wait for me here?"
"Yeah okay! Just don't be long!"
"Roger that!" The tall girl grinned, melting into the endless stream of people.
Confused by the sudden appearance of a large, yellow marquee emblazoned with strange golden markings, the short girl instantly forgot her promise to wait and approached the tent.
The inside was larger than the outside and was deep rich red with a golden chez long in the corner and a mahogany table with two chairs sat at it.
"I've been expecting you, Keahi." A husky voice called from the shadows.
"H-how do you know-"
"Oh I know everything kid! There is something important you need to know..."
A man walked out into the light. He had tousled golden blonde hair with a smart yellow dinner suit. His eyes were his most curious features, the whites were tinted yellow with glaring black slit pupils.
Keahi stared in confusion.
"W-what do you mean?!" She exclaimed.
"I know you think that I'm another phony but I can reassure you that everything I'm about to tell you is true." The man smiled.
"Who are you?!" The teenager asked, taken aback at his comment.
"Who? Me? Why, I'm Bill Cipher, one who was fortunate enough to be born with the rare ability to see into the future..."
Keahi looked suddenly apprehensive.
"Yeah, yeah load of baloney! Anyway, what do you want to tell me?" She asked uncertainly.
Bill drifted over to her, much to the girl's surprise at the flying man. He casually pulled back one of the drapes from the tent door and indicated towards someone outside.
"N-no!" Keahi yelped.
"Yes, she will disappear soon, fade away..." Bill said monotonously.
In a fit of confusion, Keahi fell down.
She woke outside on the grass, Bill's tent nowhere to be seen. Had she dreamt it all?
"Hey! Come on slow coach! The parade is starting!" Her friend laughed ecstatically, sitting beside her with two snackboxes.
Keahi smiled and tried to focus on the bright assortment of psychedelic floats that rolled past, yet even though she was sure that Bill was another phony - despite the fact that she couldn't see any sign of him anywhere - she couldn't shake the feeling that he was genuine.

And true to Cipher's word, one week later, Keahi's friend disappeared.

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