Mabel Wants To Be Stronger

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Dipper threw me into the lab and shut the door.
"Sooooo...what's the plan Dipdop?" I asked.
My brother's eyes looked around the room. He grasped hold of something off a shelf.
"You're gonna use this."
I inspected the weapon closely.
It was a large, heavy gun which had some strange fuschia...hey I like that word!...goop inside it.
He pulled another thing off the same shelf, this time it was a small silver thing that looked like a pen with a green thing on the end of it.

((A/N I guess the Doctor payed the American Government a visit and had the sonic confiscated!))

"Why can a stick help us?" I asked as Dipper pocketed the silver thing.
"I don't know what it is, but I believe it could be useful if it does what I think it does!"

Using the blaster, I rammed the door down. Men in black body suits filled the corridor. Without a clue what I was doing - to be honest, why would I know? - I pressed random buttons on the gun and it began to shoot rounds of fuschia ooze all over the place. Shocked, disorientated, the men found themselves encased in tall columns of pink sludge that hardened around them like a glassy prison.

"What now?" I asked in a state of panic.
"Now, we run!" Dipper seized my hand again and took off full tilt down the corridor.
More guards came after us.
"Aww gimme a break!"
I activated the gun again - let's call it the "Pink Splatty Gun".
Only seconds later, to hear a bleeping sound.
"Cartridge empty." The weapon announced.
"Err...Dipper? Now would be a great time to use the pen thingy!" I shrieked.
Dipper raised the pen out of his pocket, the light giving off a green glow and it made funny buzzing sounds.
However, before it could do anything, one of the men kicked my twin to the ground. Dipper slid down the corridor, dropping the light stick, through a silver metal door which clanged shut hard. He was locked in.
In a frenzy, I backed towards the large glass pane that sat on the outside of the room, using the pink splatty gun to hit several men over the head as I did so.
I continued to fight through the seemingly endless onslaught of men.
I couldn't keep this up forever.
And Dipper was going to suffocate if I didn't break him out soon.
Where the heck was Will when you needed him?!

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