**Epilogue 2**

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April's POV

"Don't encourage him, Louis," I call out to Louis as Liam and Darren wrestle on the ground in front of Liam and I's three year old son, Luka. Luka claps as Liam puts Darren in a headlock.

"It's just a bit of fun, April. Besides, Luka loves it," Louis comments, smiling at Luka and crossing his eyes, making Luka laugh. The front door opens and closes as Niall comes through with bags in his hands.

Niall sighs when he sees the grill isn't on yet. He pulls the meat out, handing it to Louis before picking up little Luka in his arms and shaking his head at the sight of Liam and Darren. "Why couldn't you have married someone who actually has a brain?"

"Hey," I complain, slapping Nialls arm. "Liam is very smart. That's where Luka gets his brilliance from. He can almost say the whole alphabet without messing up."

"Let's hope the next one is more like me," Niall mutters under his breath, looking down at my bulging belly. Eight months ago, I found out I was, once again, pregnant. Liam and the boys were trying to finish up their tour while Zayn released his new album. Zayn was the first to know about the baby since he was the only one in town. Zayn and I decided to surprise the boys with a party when they came home four months later. Zayn put up pink balloons and we made cookies and pretzels with pink icing along with pink lemonade we bought from the store. Liam didn't understand why everything was pink until he saw my belly from under my jacket and the printed out picture of the ultrasound by the treats table. The thought of little Luka having a little sister made all of us, including Luka, excited.

"Niall," I scold. "She is going to be like me, obviously. I'm the smartest out of all of you. I'm the only one who thought of making chicken beforehand because I knew Liam would forget to start the grill."

Rolling his eyes, Niall goes to cook the meat he brought. Feeling a tug on my shirt, I look down and see Luka with a puppy dog look on his face. "Mommy, can I go play with Daddy?"

Smiling back at him, I shake my head. "Daddy is playing a bad game. You might get hurt."

"I wouldn't hurt him, babe. Come here, buddy," Liam says with his arms open. I let out a sigh when Luka runs into Liam's arms. I take a seat in one of the chairs on the deck and watch Liam run around with Luka in his arms. I grew uncomfortable in my seat, moving around until I found a comfortable position. The pains in my stomach grew as I moved, but I couldn't be in labor. I still had a month to go in the pregnancy. A contraction hit me, stronger than the last one.

Releasing a quiet groan, I stood. Niall turned to me, a concerned look on his face. "You alright, love?" I leaned against the table, clutching the edge as another contraction hit me. "April?"

And then my water broke. Panting, I clutch Niall's shirt. "Hospital, now." Rushing inside, Niall goes to grab my bag. Louis was by me in no time, helping me to the back door. "Get Liam."

"He's coming, love."

Once we are by the car, I silently curse Liam. He is killing my vagina. "What the fuvk have you done to me, Liam!" That is what the whole car ride is filled with. My cursing, my yelling, squeezing the life out of everyone's hands, and Louis calling Harry and Jasmine.

"You are so fuvking lucky I love you," I scream at Liam as my contractions came in waves.

The nurse looked at Liam's scared face in amusement. "Be happy she's not screaming about how much she hates you for ruining her body. We get those a lot." Liam stood beside me, clutching my hand as I squeezed his. I sat up, trying to control my breathing as sweat built up on my forehead. Liam ran his hand over my back as the nurse came to check up on me again. "Just five more centimeters, love. You're half way there."

Looking over at Liam, I shake my head. "I can't do this, Liam. " It's been seven hours and I've only gone up to six centimeters. The pain I'm in is excruciating. "Why can't they just take it out of me already?"

"Just be patient. Our baby will come soon. Just think about the baby that will join us in just a few short hours," Liam spoke, adoration filling his gaze. "I love you. I know you can do this."

I can do this.


Alaina Kathleen Payne and Mason Alexander Payne were born on June 16th at 3:45 a.m. and 3:48 a.m. Just hours before I gave birth, I found out I was having twins. It was both a blessing and painful. Sleep is trying to consume me as I gaze down at my two babies. My baby girl was wrapped in a pink blanket as she slept soundly while my baby boy was in Liam's arms his eyes barely open as Liam tried singing him to sleep, the same song he sang to them while they were in my belly.

Once Mason was asleep, Liam simply gazed at him. The look of adoration is filled to the brim in both of out gazes when we loo at the sleeping bundles in the room. "Go to sleep, love. You have to be exhausted."

I look to Liam, my tired gaze still holding adoration as I stared at him. "You have to be tired too. You stayed with me for ten hours, and you woke up early yesterday."

"How about I call Niall in to watch them and we can both sleep."

Smiling, I make room on the bed for him. "That sounds lovely." Liam laid beside me while Niall walked in and cooed at the babies beside us. With Liam already half asleep, I cuddle up to him, my head on his chest.

Before sleep consumed me, I heard Niall speak. "If you ever need anything, Uncle Niall will always be there for you. Always."

The end!
I've noticed people adding my books to their reading lists and so ill be keeping the book up so everyone can finish it.
This was my first book and it was awful but reading this book and comparing it to my other books shows how much I've grown in my writing and I feel proud.
I'm actually a little sad it's the end, but I really hated it so its for the best.
Thank you all for reading and I hope you enjoyed it, if you enjoy these kinds of books.
Love you all!


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