Chapter 12: Problems

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Aprils POV

Just when I was having a good day they had to show up. The case went well, I got food, but now this? What the hell has my life come to? We stood their standing and staring like a bunch of idiots. Just when I was thinking about shutting the door in their faces, Michael decides to speak up.

"We should really talk. We haven't talked in a while," He says to me, offering a small smile. I grin back at him before replying.

"Yeah we need to talk soon. But for now, Go to hell," The last part of my sentence had no emotion in it. I made sure my face showed no emotion, nor my voice. They thought after this long we would be great friends and talk again? How did they get into 12th grade?

"Your still not over this? It's been months! You should've been over a few weeks after we told you!" Rachel exclaimed. She actually looked like she was angry and aggravated. She has no right. She knew I really liked Michael, I actually loved him if I'm honest, but she still cheated like the bitch she is.

"You have no right to say that. Your a cheating little bitch and I don't know how I was ever friends with you. Do me a favor and both of you leave, please?" I asked. Rachel looked hurt now, but it's not my problem. She said what she wanted to say and so did I. Michael had the same expression and they just both stood in the same place, not moving.

"No. We came here to talk and we are going to talk," Rachel told me with confidence.

"Technically, we did talk, so you can leave. I'm actually happy right now about what happened a couple hours ago and I want to stay that way for at least another hour. Maybe we can talk another time," I told them. They were ruining my happy mood and I actually want to stay happy right now. The only time I'm happy is around the boys and Ryan. Also Victoria, but I haven't been able to hang out a lot lately with her.

"Fine. But were coming back soon to talk," Rachel told me. I just nodded and waited till they left.

"You can go away now," I told them. They looked at each other for a few seconds then turned to me and walked towards the elevator. Once I closed the door, I headed towards the couch to watch some TV.

Why does life have to be so complicated?

I sat there for at least an hour watching MTV. Ridiculousness is seriously the best show ever. Ryan walked in a few minutes later carrying bags on his arms.

"I got some stuff from the grocery store, so we can make Italian for dinner," He told me while walking to the kitchen. This is why I love him. He knows Italian is one of my favorites. I may be lazy, but I would be more than happy to cook Italian. As long as I got to eat it.

"I knew there was a reason I stuck around,"I told him with a grin. He gave me a sour look before smirking.

"It's because, one, I feed you, two, I'm sexy, three, I give you a bed to sleep on and, four, I'm a wonderful sight to look at,"He tells me. I look at him with a blank look before walking towards the bags and pulling out all the food and spices and putting them up. He got ingredients to make Fettuccine Alfredo.

"You keep telling yourself that, but that's the worst way to get a girlfriend,"I said to him with a sour look.

"You love me."

"Keep telling yourself that."

"I will because it's true."

"Yeah, okay, suuurrrreee."After saying that, I felt a pair of hands tickling my sides. I squealed trying get away from the torturous hands.

"Tell me you love me,"He sang in my ear. I laughed before answering.

"What's in it for me?"I laughed.

"I'll stop tickling you,"He told me.

"Fine. I love you so much. Happy?" I laughed. He looked smug while pulling away.

"See. Nobody can resist this," He gestured towards his body. I look at him in disgust.

"I can resist," I tell him. He walks towards me with hands out, about to tickle me.

"Okay! I'm kidding, I'm sorry," I tell him. he chuckles while walking towards the living room. I follow him and say in the armchair by the couch.

"Niall's going to drop you off tomorrow," He mumbles into the couch pillow.

"I'm meeting up with someone tomorrow afternoon. I can just walk, it's not that far away," I tell him. He sits up and shakes his head.

"No way. I have work til 5 and I don't want someone calling me up saying that something happened to you," Okay, we may live in a partly bad area, but I'm just going to Starbucks. I think I'll live.

"How about Niall drops me off."

"And picks you up."

We stare at each other for a minute. I don't even know why, I can agree to this. Then I realized I didn't say anything back.

"Okay, fine," I tell him. He laughs while shaking his head and gets up.

"The boys wanted to talk to you about today. Why didn't you tell them?" He asks me.

"You know how I feel about telling people about this stuff. They didn't need to know, it wasn't that important."

"It was pretty damn important to go into court for it!" He mildly yelled. I just sigh and nod towards the door.

"Are you going to drive me or am I walking?"

He walked over to the desk beside the door and picked up his keys and wallet.

"Okay dork, let's go."

"I am not a dork."

"Yeah......keep telling yourself that," You can actually feel the sarcasm radiating from him. I just muttered some unladylike words under my breath and walked out the door.

Once we arrived at the boys house, I was literally shaking. I mean, they wouldn't be that mad....right? Oh God, please save me.

"Stop shaking. You look like that chihuahua I saw on the street," Ryan said to me.

"You left a poor chihuahua in the side of the street?" I asked him incredulously. He turned and looked at me with confusion.

"No, an old man was holding it on a leash. It was just shaking and I was looking at it, but then I had to look at the road because I almost crashed into someone," He says back to me.

"You almost crashed into someone?!" He tells me nothing! And he took my car! "You better not have crashed my baby or I'll break what makes you able to have babies," I tell him in a threatening voice.

"I can't have babies...."

"I meant have babies with someone! Don't try to flip this."

"Okay, fine, bye, shoo," He pushes me out of the car. I give him a glare before walking up to the door. Have I ever mentioned I love this door? Okay now I'm just stalling, but at least I don't have to face them yet. I guess my luck ran short because in the next second the door was opened by an angry looking Niall. I guess he was looking out the window. And I guess I'm in deeeeep shit.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I might delete this story, but I don't know yet. I'm hoping to get more reads soon, if not I might delete and start a better one because this was started when I was stupid and bored. Thank you for 83 reads though! That's amazing for me so far. Thank you guys so much! Have a great day!





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