Chapter 5: Bitch Bye

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I have posted for the 2nd time today! Hope you like it! love you all! Vote, Comment, Follow!



April's POV

This bitch won't stop. The only thing keeping me from jumping at her is Liam's hand. My God it's so warm! Does he put a heater on his hand?!? Maybe Ryan could adopted me and we can just live happily in our apartment? Life usually isn't always that easy for me. I have to deal with this shit and school....Oh crap. I have school tomorrow. FUCK.MY.LIFE.

"Ryan could always adopt me. We have a stable home and were both getting money. What's stopping him?" I sassed back. I was in a bitchy mood, and when I'm bitchy I'm sassy so deal with it. I'm gonna pray for my future husband. He's gonna have to deal with me for the rest of his life.

"Look child-"my 'dear' mother started. "I'm almost 18 I'm not a child." I said back. She looked aggravated. Good. "Look, your still under our care so make it less complicated and get in the fucking house and get on a stupid plane back to Florida!"She exclaimed, feeling aggravated. Did she seriously think I'm WILLINGLY going to go with her??! Dang! She really is crazy!

"No! I'd rather have Ryan have me than you! Why do you want me now!? Didn't seem to care before!" I yelled at her. She seemed hurt for a minute, but covered it. She is NOT getting sympathy from me. She beated me for years why should I care for her?!? She stared for a moment before smirking."Okay, See you in court in a few weeks."

God, I hate her! Why does she have to make life complicated?!? She closed the door before anyone could reply back. Liam started rubbing small circles with his thumb on my hand. He seemed to calm me down more than anyone at the moment. I could feel stares on me, and then I realized I closed my eyes. I opened my eyes, and all the boys were looking at me in concern."Yes?" I asked in a light voice.They just shook their heads and we headed back to the car. Liam held my hand the while way there. I gotta admit, I might like this boy a little. It scares me but gives me a thrill ya know?

We drove back and they decided since my 'mom' never told me who my real parents were, they were gonna call Mrs.Horan and tell her to tell us the truth of our 'relations'.
ZM-Hello Mrs.Horan
M.H-Oh goodness what am I confessing this time?
LP-We have April and Niall here listening this time if you don't mind telling them.
M.H-April dear?
AH-Uh who's that?
LP-Nialls mum
AH-Oh! Yes, Mrs.Horan?
M.H-Oh my baby! Listen I didn't want to give you away I didn't ha-
AH-I know Liam told me. I just wasn't convinced
M.H-Do you believe us now?
AH- Yes but it doesn't matter now.Im going to America
LP-We could get Ryan or Mrs.Horan to adopt you!
AH-Chill Li, We can try okay?
M.H-aww you sound like a little married couple!
That made me blush big time, and the boys laugh.
ZM-we've got to go, but we'll talk later
M.H-okay dear bye
End of conversation
"Wanna play truth or dare?" Louis asked. All the boys looked at him just as evil as Louis. They're up to something I know it.
"Uhhh...sure. Li?" I asked. I like the nickname. I'm sticking with it.
"Sure, but I'm not doing anything gross again!"He said. Again? "Oh come on! It was once!" Louis exclaimed. "Harry's belly button is gross!" Liam yelled. I busted out laughing."Hey! it's not that bad!" Harry defended. That just made me laugh harder.
"Oh? You think that's funny?" Liam asked."Yes! Very much,"I said while laughing. He jumped on me and started tickling me. I kept laughing harder and it started to hurt.
"Li! I'm s-s-sor-sorry! pleas-s-se ST-OP!" I laughed. He finally stopped and I hit him in the head. The boys, minus Liam, started laughing."Hey! That wasn't nice!" Liam pouted. Oh God his pout was soooo cute!"I'm sorry Li, Forgive me?" I pouted right back. He smiled and said,"Of course! Who could resist this fab face?!" He said grabbing my face."Again..I can resist it." The started laughing harder at this.
"Okay are we gonna play yet?" I asked. Louis was the first one that stopped laughing and screamed. "Boys up! We gotta play our game!" The boys flinched a little and I started laughing."Who's going first?"I ask. They boys look at each other and think."I'll go, Harry truth or dare?" Zayn asked. "Dare,"Harry said with confidence. Oh God, lets hope these aren't as bad as I think."Run up and down the street," Zayn said. Not so bad, it's kinda boring bu-spoke too soon."Naked,"Zayn finished. Oh what have I gotten myself into...
We all went outside and watched Harry strip down(I turned away because I didn't wanna see his junk) and they video taped Harry running down the street. I never knew his ass was so pale. When he was running back to the house he tripped a little and we all laughed at him.
"Ugh, I hate you all," Harry said. We all just chuckled at him. When we got inside it was Harry's turn to pick a victim, and lucky ol' me got chosen."April, Truth or dare?" He asked with a cocky smirk. Little bitch wants to ruin me."Truth," I answered. They all groaned."Loser," Louis 'coughed'. "Bastard," I 'coughed' back. All the boys laughed at our little fight. "Okay, Do you like Liam? Tell the truth! No lies!" Harry said. Maybe I could lie and pretend it was true, I mean I can keep a pretty good straight face. But staring at Liam, he has a hoping look in his eyes. I don't know if he knows I can see it ,but I can. Maybe I shouldn't lie. I mean it's pretty obvious he's freaking hot so why not?
"Any day now April," Harry teased. The boys all snickered trying to hide it behind coughs, but I heard. Little bastards, I mumble to myself.
"Yeah, gotta admit the boy is pretty hot," I say.The boys all 'oohhh' except Liam, who blushes, and Niall, who looks slightly angry. Oh no, why do I keep forgetting he's my brother? Damn I'm a bad sister." Hey Ni! Guess what?!?" I asked him, with enthusiasm. "What?" He asked agitated. I frowned a little, but then put a huge smile on my face. "I LOVE YOU!!!" I screamed and jumped up and hugged him tight. All the boys aww'ed and coo'ed over this. Niall hugged me back and I could feel him smile against my hair. I was so done with these people awwing at this so I decided to smack the one nearest to me. I took one of my hands off Niall and smack the person on the left side of me."Ow!" I heard Louis say. Then I started laughing really hard."Your not even gonna say sorry?!?" I heard him complain. I pulled away from Niall to look at Louis. He was holding his cheek, which I could see was red. "No, you called me a loser remember," I said/laughing back. He looked murderously at me and stuck up his middle finger.
"Put that thing down before you lose a finger," I said to Louis while glaring at him. The boy has the nerve to stick that finger at me.Asshole, I thought to myself. We continued the game of Zayn sticking his head in the toilet water, Liam licking Harry's belly button....again. It took 5 minutes to convince him to do it, counting me bribing him with a Toy Story marathon that ALL of us have to watch together. Louis twerking in my face, which was REALLY gross, and finally they left the last one for me, and Louis is giving me this one."Truth or Dare April? And don't be a wuss," Louis said.
"I don't know, I heard yours were the worst," I said to him."Oh come they aren't that bad! So a dare?" Louis asked. All the boys were looking at me expectantly. Well, just remember I died in a good way,hopefully. "Yes, a dare," I answered. All the boys cheered. Louis had his thinking face on and it was scaring me.Then the evilest smile came on his face.
"Kiss Liam for a good.....10 seconds," Louis said devilishly. I'm gonna kill that boy.....Long and torturously. ".......Fine...," I answered. All the boys oooh'ed. I crawled over to Liam and told Louis "Your counting, do it right and don't lie 30 seconds later," I said. I sat beside Liam and just stared at him for a while. I decided not to slowly lean in and just crash my lips to his. I went slow tho. Dear God this boy is perfect! His lips are just......UGH! I kept kissing him nice and slow. He kissed me back right when I started kissing him. I freaking love this! If I could do one thing forever, I would definitely kiss him.

"Okay lovebirds, you can stop," Louis screamed. I kissed him for just a second longer then pulled away. All the boys were snickering while me and Liam were looking down, blushing, and smiling like idiots. Niall just rolled his eyes muttering"Oi, Shut up, would ya?" I guess someone was in a bad mood.
"Oi! Niall chill it was a dare! Plus you gotta admit these 2 are just fucking adorable," Louis said to Niall. Niall just sat there, then he looked at me. I gave him a confused face then gave him a small smile. He returned it and stood up."Okay I'm hungry, anybody else want something?"Niall asked. We all shook our heads, then Louis said,"Knowing you, you would eat it all before we got it," Making all the boys and me laugh. Niall just started blushing and walked into the kitchen. Maybe I would like it here much more than I thought. Then my stomach growled, really loud may I add, making the boys laugh. I got up and into the kitchen with Niall to eat something. "Hey!,"Niall smiled,"Can we talk?" He continued.
Lets hope this doesn't go as bad as I'm thinking.

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